Can we get one help? I'm in the NE and there are 6 reps for each Tecentriq rep. So, I go to an account each month for a quarter but there have been 18 visits by other immunology reps. Our message gets lost.
I agree with the first post, we need additional help out here. There are reps everywhere and we aren't being heard. We act like we don't want to win. I'm newer to oncology from a primary care position but, I am working my rear off.
You make a valid point, but you are on Cafe Pharma at 3:31pm. Just sayin'.
No worries folks. Sales results are not important. Remember to check those boxes and get yourself developed. Development is the name of the game. Worthless projects are key. You will be a hero. Don't look over here...look over there. Get comfortable being uncomfortable.Numbers will begin to wash out in about 1 month. We have the worse managers I have ever seen. Are they just dumb or afraid to speak up? We need to get rid of the sales plan and go swinging for the competition. Our data is so weak, I'm not sure I could give it away right now.
No worries folks. Sales results are not important. Remember to check those boxes and get yourself developed. Development is the name of the game. Worthless projects are key. You will be a hero. Don't look over here...look over there. Get comfortable being uncomfortable.