Teabaggers losing Clout in Congress


The idiot Bawwkmann made a lot of noise about her "teabagger caucus" in January. Now that the reality of stupidity is setting in, and the teabag freshman are reading the polls, teabaggers are soon going to history, limited to fringe groups who yammer, stutter, complain and hold misspelled signs. Who knows, maybe the good people in Minnesota will even throw the bagger queen herself out.


The idiot Bawwkmann made a lot of noise about her "teabagger caucus" in January. Now that the reality of stupidity is setting in, and the teabag freshman are reading the polls, teabaggers are soon going to history, limited to fringe groups who yammer, stutter, complain and hold misspelled signs. Who knows, maybe the good people in Minnesota will even throw the bagger queen herself out.


By next year at this time, most GOP candidates will be putting the teabaggers in the rear view mirror - I am surprised it hasn't happened sooner, but then again, you are dealing with a lesser form of intelligence when you take conservatives into consideration. Two prime examples here on CP are bubble guy and plane avatar guy - Perhaps two of the dumbest individulas ever to draw a breath.