Teabag Rally in New Hampshire


This video should make all teabaggers nervous, since even the Tundra Twat can't bring out the big crowds. Her whiny, squeaky voice, her hate filled stupid diatribe against the President, her plowing over the same ground, and her lack of integrity by not declaring her candidacy is old news and no one cares. She, and the teabaggers are suddenly "irrelevant".


This video should make all teabaggers nervous, since even the Tundra Twat can't bring out the big crowds. Her whiny, squeaky voice, her hate filled stupid diatribe against the President, her plowing over the same ground, and her lack of integrity by not declaring her candidacy is old news and no one cares. She, and the teabaggers are suddenly "irrelevant".


At 14:59 and counting.

You betcha!

This video should make all teabaggers nervous, since even the Tundra Twat can't bring out the big crowds. Her whiny, squeaky voice, her hate filled stupid diatribe against the President, her plowing over the same ground, and her lack of integrity by not declaring her candidacy is old news and no one cares. She, and the teabaggers are suddenly "irrelevant".

Why are you so consumed with Palin? Seriously, is this your effort at what the Liberal leadership has directed you to do to "take these son of a bitches out...?"

You guys are awesome, in your new civility and all.

Why are you so consumed with Palin? Seriously, is this your effort at what the Liberal leadership has directed you to do to "take these son of a bitches out...?"

You guys are awesome, in your new civility and all.

It was civil. He said vote before all of the S.O.B. crap. I guess U didn't understand the word "VOTE"

It was civil. He said vote before all of the S.O.B. crap. I guess U didn't understand the word "VOTE"
Hmm. He didn't say S.O.B. Why did you miss quote him? I know, because you too know he was ill advised to say what he said. But, he doesn't want to end up like his ole man.

BTW, yes I do understand the word VOTE. Can you explain the apparently Democrat-endorsed expression "take these son of a bitches out"? Is that somewhere in the Carterbama lexicon of the new civility?

This video should make all teabaggers nervous, since even the Tundra Twat can't bring out the big crowds. Her whiny, squeaky voice, her hate filled stupid diatribe against the President, her plowing over the same ground, and her lack of integrity by not declaring her candidacy is old news and no one cares. She, and the teabaggers are suddenly "irrelevant".


Remind me again what she's running for? You must jerk off to her nightly.