This really sums up the problem. All of the entitlement crowd who doesn't pay in as much as they will want to collect from social security and who pay no taxes scream the loudest. I was appalled doing one of my college kids taxes and between make work pay, tuition credits, and some other goofy credits, he only had $200 withheld but somehow gets over $1000 back. It's small change but core to the argument that no one whould be asked to pay more when the tax system has become another welfare program. No way someone should get more in than was deducted from their check.
Simplify the tax code and remove most deductions. Keep one for buying a first home up to the average home cost in the US, and for charitable donations, and for medical expenses above a percentage of income. Nothing else is needed. Lose the AMT, tax gains as normal income, and only tax inheritances that were not previously taxed. Remove any remaining shelters, gifts, and other ways to avoid taxes on income. Hell, tax me on today's income for what is in my 401K and then don't tax it again when I use it. Don't tax social security income up to the amount paid in by the individual. When the system is so complex that the feds don't even mail out the massive book for filing instructions, something is very wrong.