Taxes and Debt, thanks Mr. Reagan


Faux news most uneducated news reader/opinion talker, Steve Doooche, once again demonstrates how little he and his producers know about history and reality. It is always such fun poking holes in the liars story that Reagan cut taxes, (he raised them), that conservatives are for small government, (look at Reagan and Bush), that tax cuts create jobs (where are they?) and conservatives support tax cuts for all (of course Art Laffer (what a name) brags about cutting the tax rates at the top, and raising them for the bottom). Why does Faux even exist? Comedic value

Faux news most uneducated news reader/opinion talker, Steve Doooche, once again demonstrates how little he and his producers know about history and reality. It is always such fun poking holes in the liars story that Reagan cut taxes, (he raised them), that conservatives are for small government, (look at Reagan and Bush), that tax cuts create jobs (where are they?) and conservatives support tax cuts for all (of course Art Laffer (what a name) brags about cutting the tax rates at the top, and raising them for the bottom). Why does Faux even exist? Comedic value

And this numb-nuts references media matters? Talk about comedic value? NEXT!!!!!

Faux news most uneducated news reader/opinion talker, Steve Doooche, once again demonstrates how little he and his producers know about history and reality. It is always such fun poking holes in the liars story that Reagan cut taxes, (he raised them), that conservatives are for small government, (look at Reagan and Bush), that tax cuts create jobs (where are they?) and conservatives support tax cuts for all (of course Art Laffer (what a name) brags about cutting the tax rates at the top, and raising them for the bottom). Why does Faux even exist? Comedic value

What is funny is the first respondent to your article. Has no clue what so ever. He proves his ignorance by downing Media Matters who has the facts and not Fox news who lies, lies and lies.