Tax Burden Shift


To some of the posters who hate taxes, and think the government is taking "their" money. Well here is an interesting point of view from one of your favorites. frau Bawwkmann stated that she would support "Zero (0)" corporate tax rate for corporations and small business, to make them more competitive and to create jobs. She thinks that ending corporate welfare and "loopholes" would offset the loss. Obviously she smokes the funny tobacco of deniers, since every other congress person will continue to get requests from special interests and lobby groups.
That sounds so good to the anti-tax crowd, but it would mean the burden would be shifted to YOU, that's right sparky, the tax revenue lost would have to made up some where, just to remain revenue neutral, which of course will increase both the deficit and the debt, and my guess is the monarchs of business would continue to outsource a substantial number of jobs, due to labor costs.
So go on all of you anti-taxers, teabaggers, and conservatards, support idiots like Bawwkmann and watch your taxes go up.

To some of the posters who hate taxes, and think the government is taking "their" money. Well here is an interesting point of view from one of your favorites. frau Bawwkmann stated that she would support "Zero (0)" corporate tax rate for corporations and small business, to make them more competitive and to create jobs. She thinks that ending corporate welfare and "loopholes" would offset the loss. Obviously she smokes the funny tobacco of deniers, since every other congress person will continue to get requests from special interests and lobby groups.
That sounds so good to the anti-tax crowd, but it would mean the burden would be shifted to YOU, that's right sparky, the tax revenue lost would have to made up some where, just to remain revenue neutral, which of course will increase both the deficit and the debt, and my guess is the monarchs of business would continue to outsource a substantial number of jobs, due to labor costs.
So go on all of you anti-taxers, teabaggers, and conservatards, support idiots like Bawwkmann and watch your taxes go up.

How can you be so uninformed? Are you so blinded by your leftist ideology that you can't see basic facts? Have you never been taught basic economics?

It is simple. Corporations don't pay taxes. YOU DO either in the form of reduced earnings and capital gains or higher prices.

Taxes are an expense to any business. If you don't believe me see where they are located on the Income Statement (if you know where to find one and if you know how to read one)

I assume that you own mutual funds in a 401K. If you do, then it is chock full of investments made up of corporations. I also assume that you like when your 401K goes up and you are sad when it goes down.

Well, if corporations pay a higher tax than that leaves LESS for you as an investor. Now why would you vote against your own economic interests?


How can you be so uninformed? Are you so blinded by your leftist ideology that you can't see basic facts? Have you never been taught basic economics?

It is simple. Corporations don't pay taxes. YOU DO either in the form of reduced earnings and capital gains or higher prices.

Taxes are an expense to any business. If you don't believe me see where they are located on the Income Statement (if you know where to find one and if you know how to read one)

I assume that you own mutual funds in a 401K. If you do, then it is chock full of investments made up of corporations. I also assume that you like when your 401K goes up and you are sad when it goes down.

Well, if corporations pay a higher tax than that leaves LESS for you as an investor. Now why would you vote against your own economic interests?


I think you are the uninformed one. I merely pointed out that if business tax is eliminated, then the burden will be shifted. Of course the individual always pays for everything, each business expense, is passed on, which is my point, so if you don't like paying tax at the current rate of up to 35%, you will hate paying at 50-70% if the burden would shift, just to keep the revenue the same as it now. Of course, tariffs could be imposed, as well as new user fees etc. But any form of tax takes money from the individual, I just don't bitch about it the way the teabaggers do.

I think you are the uninformed one. I merely pointed out that if business tax is eliminated, then the burden will be shifted. Of course the individual always pays for everything, each business expense, is passed on, which is my point, so if you don't like paying tax at the current rate of up to 35%, you will hate paying at 50-70% if the burden would shift, just to keep the revenue the same as it now. Of course, tariffs could be imposed, as well as new user fees etc. But any form of tax takes money from the individual, I just don't bitch about it the way the teabaggers do.
Tariffs, yeah, that's it. Let's turn our not-very-competitive US market into a totally-non-competitive one. Economic isolation will cure all those evil capitalists.

I think you are the uninformed one. I merely pointed out that if business tax is eliminated, then the burden will be shifted. Of course the individual always pays for everything, each business expense, is passed on, which is my point, so if you don't like paying tax at the current rate of up to 35%, you will hate paying at 50-70% if the burden would shift, just to keep the revenue the same as it now. Of course, tariffs could be imposed, as well as new user fees etc. But any form of tax takes money from the individual, I just don't bitch about it the way the teabaggers do.
