The share price is increasing. That is good.
The share price is increasing. That is good.
TARO stock share price is rising without the help of the TARO US sales force sales force. Generics are carrying the company. Taro sales force and support are toast. Mold in nicely with SUN medical derm, or go. SUN dollars should stay with the people carrying the water, not the ones just drinking more than they need.
There is no more water. They took that away from us too. We now have an iron lung machine that spits out recycled toilet water.
You are what you eat (drink) !
Share price is down due to the news.
are you at Taro or someone random speculating?Sun will snatch the rest of Taro up if the price is right.
are you at Taro or someone random speculating?
Is there any credible evidence to your statement, in terms of some real chatter?
there are signs everywhere but it is surprising nobody here knows a thing. I am struggling to understand why is it taking so long or what is stopping them.It is the plan. I am not quite sure as to when. I am not in upper management.
there are signs everywhere but it is surprising nobody here knows a thing. I am struggling to understand why is it taking so long or what is stopping them.
With all the Sun screw, Taro will once again save Sun's face tomorrow with some decent earnings.
What will Sun have to show next week? Nothing.... Zero earnings on Ilymya !
What are you talking here dude? Where did you hear this?$91! Dropping and then Sun will buy!
layoffs yes or no?