'Tan Man' Boehner Slaps Down 'Boy Wonder' Rubio


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John Boehner Doubts Marco Rubio's DREAM Act Alternative Could Pass The House


I am having so many laughs today at the expense of the GOP. The Cuban Golden Boy Rubio just got sent to the back of the bus by Boehner, all while he has been palling around with Willard. Meanwhile, Bishop Romney's labor advisor is under Federal investigation for ethics violations. Romney's 'budget guru', Paul Ryan from Wisconsin, just got the news his state is the WORST state on unemployment and they LOST 23,000+ jobs!

Also . . .New polls show that AZ is in play. Not only Latinos/immigrants, but also farmers and other business leaders are growing tired of the GOP's opposition to pragmatic immigration reform.


Proof the tea turd freshmen run the show...not him.

No wonder he was prognosticating the loss of the gavel earlier this week as he knows electorally, those swing states with high latino electorate wont be going in the GOP column without some sort of appreciable effort for outreach.

Proof the tea turd freshmen run the show...not him.

No wonder he was prognosticating the loss of the gavel earlier this week as he knows electorally, those swing states with high latino electorate wont be going in the GOP column without some sort of appreciable effort for outreach.

Let's fucking hope so. I want him and Magoo gone from leadership in January.