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Tampa Bay Buccaneers Coach Truly “Inspires Change”


Thank you Head Coach Bruce Arians for showing the world that all 3 of your coordinators can be black, your assistant head coach can be black, you can have 2 full time women coaches and be the best team in the world. BA you’re a trail blazer. Leadership doesn’t have a look!


Thank you Head Coach Bruce Arians for showing the world that all 3 of your coordinators can be black, your assistant head coach can be black, you can have 2 full time women coaches and be the best team in the world. BA you’re a trail blazer. Leadership doesn’t have a look!

And here, I presumed you were going to wax eloquent about the long, systemic social injustice of AGE DISCRIMINATION. (BA is the oldest head coach to ever win a SB as you may know.)

If you have a sense of social justice, we need to petition the NFL for more white color players and more POC coaches. On the players topic, it is a disgrace that there are not more white players being retained from High School to College and College to the Pros. What percent of the NFL players body is Black/African American? Approximately 70%. Why? One has to assume they are the best players of the game. Yet, White Caucasian Americans make up 76.3% of the U.S. population as of July 1, 2019 U.S. Census (see below). And this is true in the NBA with ~80% Black/African American players. 80%. And yet there many, draft able white players in college that can run, jump, defend, rebound and shoot! This is a systemic issue in these major sports. And by the way we need more blacks/African Americans and whites in major league baseball. The "picture" is not representative enough. This is needs to be corrected for the sake of justice and equal opportunity. Now! Now I say!!!

U.S. Census Bureau QuickFacts: United States

And here, I presumed you were going to wax eloquent about the long, systemic social injustice of AGE DISCRIMINATION. (BA is the oldest head coach to ever win a SB as you may know.)

If you have a sense of social justice, we need to petition the NFL for more white color players and more POC coaches. On the players topic, it is a disgrace that there are not more white players being retained from High School to College and College to the Pros. What percent of the NFL players body is Black/African American? Approximately 70%. Why? One has to assume they are the best players of the game. Yet, White Caucasian Americans make up 76.3% of the U.S. population as of July 1, 2019 U.S. Census (see below). And this is true in the NBA with ~80% Black/African American players. 80%. And yet there many, draft able white players in college that can run, jump, defend, rebound and shoot! This is a systemic issue in these major sports. And by the way we need more blacks/African Americans and whites in major league baseball. The "picture" is not representative enough. This is needs to be corrected for the sake of justice and equal opportunity. Now! Now I say!!!

U.S. Census Bureau QuickFacts: United States

Well, Little Jim and Little Bob need to Earn it on the field!! Then those Big Schools where their parents and grandparents break their necks for Top 5 Star Black Recruits would recruit them. Even though the majority of fans hate those 5 star recruits even though the economies of those small towns is based on the Football Team. But, this “Woke” generation knows the power they yield and will say “Fuck You pay us real shortly” . Or the house of cards will fall down from other sports shutting down like the swim team or hockey team (socialism how dare they live off handouts from the football and basketball team). You never hear that though. I wonder why. And those small businesses who depend on huge crowds showing up, even though the owners of those businesses hate those players guts. And then cuts in the Education budget because not enough money is generated from Athletics. Yes, these 5 stars and 4 stars know their power. Game on

Hypocrisy at its finest. All the inventions and advancements in the USA and shared to the world hasn’t been earned by the Johnny’s and Bobby’s, but the dribbling of a ball better clearly is, and therefore they deserve a drastic over-representation in those roles far greater than the 6% of the population they make up.

Hypocrisy at its finest. All the inventions and advancements in the USA and shared to the world hasn’t been earned by the Johnny’s and Bobby’s, but the dribbling of a ball better clearly is, and therefore they deserve a drastic over-representation in those roles far greater than the 6% of the population they make up.

Why do you hate Capitalism?! You leftists sure are something! You get what you earn! No handouts!

Hypocrisy at its finest. All the inventions and advancements in the USA and shared to the world hasn’t been earned by the Johnny’s and Bobby’s, but the dribbling of a ball better clearly is, and therefore they deserve a drastic over-representation in those roles far greater than the 6% of the population they make up.

The billionaire owners of the teams pays these athletes millions out the kindness of his heart out of charity. I wonder how much the owners make off them. But I know the narrative you people focus on..that guy signed for 200M!!! Well how much the owner is making to afford the contract?

And here, I presumed you were going to wax eloquent about the long, systemic social injustice of AGE DISCRIMINATION. (BA is the oldest head coach to ever win a SB as you may know.)

If you have a sense of social justice, we need to petition the NFL for more white color players and more POC coaches. On the players topic, it is a disgrace that there are not more white players being retained from High School to College and College to the Pros. What percent of the NFL players body is Black/African American? Approximately 70%. Why? One has to assume they are the best players of the game. Yet, White Caucasian Americans make up 76.3% of the U.S. population as of July 1, 2019 U.S. Census (see below). And this is true in the NBA with ~80% Black/African American players. 80%. And yet there many, draft able white players in college that can run, jump, defend, rebound and shoot! This is a systemic issue in these major sports. And by the way we need more blacks/African Americans and whites in major league baseball. The "picture" is not representative enough. This is needs to be corrected for the sake of justice and equal opportunity. Now! Now I say!!!

U.S. Census Bureau QuickFacts: United States
Well, Little Jim and Little Bob need to Earn it on the field!! Then those Big Schools where their parents and grandparents break their necks for Top 5 Star Black Recruits would recruit them. Even though the majority of fans hate those 5 star recruits even though the economies of those small towns is based on the Football Team. But, this “Woke” generation knows the power they yield and will say “Fuck You pay us real shortly” . Or the house of cards will fall down from other sports shutting down like the swim team or hockey team (socialism how dare they live off handouts from the football and basketball team). You never hear that though. I wonder why. And those small businesses who depend on huge crowds showing up, even though the owners of those businesses hate those players guts. And then cuts in the Education budget because not enough money is generated from Athletics. Yes, these 5 stars and 4 stars know their power. Game on >>>

You took the bait little fishy. The point that the top was written with a heavy dose of steeped sarcasm. It is clear, the best should always be selected, promoted, etc. The "best". But many things in many occupations go into being deemed, judged as the "best".

1) So, here the "standards" to judge "the best qualified" are going to change to allow for a more even playing field. That is not the case in sports. The best athlete in all respects in fully evaluated. They are not given a pass on particular aspects of their particular position. We will see how "fair and just" these changes will be? My guess, it simply means the standards will be lowered. And that is not, I repeat not, what you would condone for "woke" sports.

2) As far as compensation, that is a long debate. But in sports, it is a simply the excessive, lazy, preoccupation we all have with our "Gladiators" of the day. They are not my hero. Not in any way, shape or form. They never were, be they whatever color, creed, sexual orientation or age. They play games, very well. That's most of what they are as I know many and they are obsessed and fortunate to have made it to the rarified air. From owners to players, the whole business in the NFL, Div. 1 NCAA, MLB and NBA is so out of touch with reality that even pharma sales reps feel small. It speaks to how obsessed people are with games of sport. At the end of the day, they don't really mean shit. They illustrate much but not real advances in the human condition. And yes, I know much about some that speak to their massive hypocrisy. They are no different than the 'white as snow' corporate execs. No difference. They give a tad in their massive excess. If they had far less, they would give little to nothing. I dare you to point out any of the top athletes that come close to giving even 10% of their annual total compensation with no financial advantage gained. You see, there is no difference, simply greed in people. That is not "WOKE", that is the SAME as those who came before. The rest, is HORSE SHIT. There is no higher ground, no higher moral purpose, no higher ethics and principals. NONE.

And one more thing, your so quick to say, the people of less melanin are full of hatred for people who look different from them. That is so untrue, intellectually dishonest and in fact, points the finger of hate back at your heart to others who look or behave different.

The two most impactful players were quite pale; the QB and the TE.

But carry on with your wokeism. Meanwhile, we have gone from a culture where we had the Huxtables, and the Jeffersons to one where we "celebrate" rap music and Pimp my Ride.

When we start raising our own kids, we will be better off.

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