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Takeda/Sucampo Arbitration Decision Delayed AGAIN!!!


Sucampo Pharmaceuticals Provides Update on Anticipated Arbitration Decision

Bethesda, MD, June 29, 2012 – Sucampo Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (NASDAQ: SCMP) today announced that the International Court of Arbitration, International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) has notified the Company of a change in the anticipated date of the decision related to the Company’s demand for arbitration under the applicable provisions of the Collaboration and License Agreement with Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Limited, or Takeda. The ICC has extended the date from June 29, 2012 to July 31, 2012.

Sucampo is eager to receive the ICC’s decision as quickly as possible, and we continue our substantial planning in anticipation of a favorable award. Through these efforts, we look forward to increasing patient and healthcare provider access to AMITIZA® in the event of a favorable outcome.


Hey genius, someone already started this on another thread. Way to steal their thunder asshole.

I truly apologize, I forgot how worthless Takeda reps are and how any "thunder" in your life only exists on an anonymous board, but hey you got to use a big boy word in your post and you've got to feel good about that, right?

I truly apologize, I forgot how worthless Takeda reps are and how any "thunder" in your life only exists on an anonymous board, but hey you got to use a big boy word in your post and you've got to feel good about that, right?

I agree with the above. Whoever the guy is who posts with the negative, "know it all attitude", needs to get a life. He is a troll who is on all of the threads. He is probably the same guy that calls everyone "DUDE". He is simply pathetic!!!

I truly apologize, I forgot how worthless Takeda reps are and how any "thunder" in your life only exists on an anonymous board, but hey you got to use a big boy word in your post and you've got to feel good about that, right?

Thunder isn't a big word, but it probably is to you magic Mikey boy. I'm a territory manager, TAP legacy with a CMR, multiple Excalibur and Cresset trip winner and my base is 107k...suck it magic boy.

Thunder isn't a big word, but it probably is to you magic Mikey boy. I'm a territory manager, TAP legacy with a CMR, multiple Excalibur and Cresset trip winner and my base is 107k...suck it magic boy.

True Dat! Magic boy is simply pathetic. He can't seem to understand why some people like ourselves are making $107K base salary plus bonus. Maybe magic boy should try working and producing for once in his life.

True Dat! Magic boy is simply pathetic. He can't seem to understand why some people like ourselves are making $107K base salary plus bonus. Maybe magic boy should try working and producing for once in his life.

You are literally too dumb to argue with or insult...your lack of wit is only overshadowed by your immaturity and fratboy intellect...I only pray that you are infertile.

I'm amazed at how dumb you are...the big boy word I was referencing was a-hole because you're cool and that language helps make you feel older because you overheard your big brother use it when he was talking to his friends.

Funny how you're backpedalling know that you've had your ass handed to you. Remember, this big boy makes 107k, has CMR, I'm a territory manager and have won many trips.

Funny how you're backpedalling know that you've had your ass handed to you. Remember, this big boy makes 107k, has CMR, I'm a territory manager and have won many trips.

You are so funny, you want to compare our sales records? Fine, bring it big boy. I have a liberal arts degree. In fact, I have a masters degree in liberal arts. In fact, I have more sales awards than just about anybody in this company (including you). I have won more Excaliburs, Cressets, Will Halls, Plates, you name it than all but 4 people at TAPkeda. Get a clue dude.

You are so funny, you want to compare our sales records? Fine, bring it big boy. I have a liberal arts degree. In fact, I have a masters degree in liberal arts. In fact, I have more sales awards than just about anybody in this company (including you). I have won more Excaliburs, Cressets, Will Halls, Plates, you name it than all but 4 people at TAPkeda. Get a clue dude.

You are simply pathetic and a huge liar. Everything you spew out is so not true. A masters in liberal arts? I think not. You forget who your talking too, you spineless little midget. You have the "little person" complex and it is shining through ever so brightly!

Where are all you little bitches who said there would be a layoff after we lost this arbitration case? We won, and all of a sudden it got real quiet on the boards, like you got pistol-whipped in the effn mouth like Billy Batts in Goodfellas. Joe Pesce on your ass. Hey Sucampo and all you Takeda bitches who said there would be a layoff, go get your effn shine boxes. At this point, Sucampo should just hand amitiza over to us and step aside. Real talk, I'm out.

Bunch a bitches.....geez.

Where are all you little bitches who said there would be a layoff after we lost this arbitration case? We won, and all of a sudden it got real quiet on the boards, like you got pistol-whipped in the effn mouth like Billy Batts in Goodfellas. Joe Pesce on your ass. Hey Sucampo and all you Takeda bitches who said there would be a layoff, go get your effn shine boxes. At this point, Sucampo should just hand amitiza over to us and step aside. Real talk, I'm out.

Bunch a bitches.....geez.

Because we have such a fantastic marketing team with a great track record for FAILURE!!!!
Couldn't successfully market ice in the desert!!!

Where are all you little bitches who said there would be a layoff after we lost this arbitration case? We won, and all of a sudden it got real quiet on the boards, like you got pistol-whipped in the effn mouth like Billy Batts in Goodfellas. Joe Pesce on your ass. Hey Sucampo and all you Takeda bitches who said there would be a layoff, go get your effn shine boxes. At this point, Sucampo should just hand amitiza over to us and step aside. Real talk, I'm out.

Bunch a bitches.....geez.

Oh my ignorant little friend, Amitiza is the least of our worries. So we get the profits on a $250 million a year product after we pay Sucampo close to 30% of a royalty/liscense fee? That comes out to almost $148 million net a year. Small potato's! We're about to lose a close to $4 million dollar a year product that we barely discount and pay not liscense/royalty fee on at all since it is our product. Actos sales make up close to 80% of our total net and over 70% of our gross. Once that is gone, there will be some big changes here. It will make the last 2 RIF's look small.

You keep on talkin' your trash all the way to the unemployment line.

Hugs and kisses,

I Own You

Where are all you little bitches who said there would be a layoff after we lost this arbitration case? We won, and all of a sudden it got real quiet on the boards, like you got pistol-whipped in the effn mouth like Billy Batts in Goodfellas. Joe Pesce on your ass. Hey Sucampo and all you Takeda bitches who said there would be a layoff, go get your effn shine boxes. At this point, Sucampo should just hand amitiza over to us and step aside. Real talk, I'm out.

Bunch a bitches.....geez.

Oh my ignorant little friend, Amitiza is the least of our worries. So we get the profits on a $250 million a year product after we pay Sucampo close to 30% of a royalty/liscense fee? That comes out to almost $148 million net a year. Small potato's! We're about to lose a close to $4 billion dollar a year product that we barely discount and pay not liscense/royalty fee on at all since it is our product. Actos sales make up close to 80% of our total net and over 70% of our gross. Once that is gone, there will be some big changes here. It will make the last 2 RIF's look small.

You keep on talkin' your trash all the way to the unemployment line.

Hugs and kisses,

I Own You

Where are all you little bitches who said there would be a layoff after we lost this arbitration case? We won, and all of a sudden it got real quiet on the boards, like you got pistol-whipped in the effn mouth like Billy Batts in Goodfellas. Joe Pesce on your ass. Hey Sucampo and all you Takeda bitches who said there would be a layoff, go get your effn shine boxes. At this point, Sucampo should just hand amitiza over to us and step aside. Real talk, I'm out.

Bunch a bitches.....geez.

Oh my ignorant little friend, Amitiza is the least of our worries. So we get the profits on a $250 million a year product after we pay Sucampo close to 30% of a royalty/liscense fee? That comes out to almost $148 million net a year. Small potato's! We're about to lose a close to $4 BILLION dollar a year product that we barely discount and pay not liscense/royalty fee on at all since it is our product. Actos sales make up close to 80% of our total net and over 70% of our gross. Once that is gone, there will be some big changes here. It will make the last 2 RIF's look small.

You keep on talkin' your trash all the way to the unemployment line.

Hugs and kisses,

I Own You