Takeda is big pharma


expect big pharma pay, big pharma bonuses, big pharma metrics and everyone who is worth anything to recognize the demise of this shitty company and leave.

Watch what Shire/Baxalta leaders leave. Follow them. This place sucks. Anyone that is left has been promised a big severance or negotiated an end date. Do not listen to the remaining leadership after Jan 31. They are simply buying their time and looking to cash in. It’s over. If you want a Merck job, you’re fine. If you feel that rare disease can’t be managed like SSRIs, GET OUT!

Good luck to everyone

expect big pharma pay, big pharma bonuses, big pharma metrics and everyone who is worth anything to recognize the demise of this shitty company and leave.

Watch what Shire/Baxalta leaders leave. Follow them. This place sucks. Anyone that is left has been promised a big severance or negotiated an end date. Do not listen to the remaining leadership after Jan 31. They are simply buying their time and looking to cash in. It’s over. If you want a Merck job, you’re fine. If you feel that rare disease can’t be managed like SSRIs, GET OUT!

Good luck to everyone
Baxalta leaders already left when Shire acquired them. Expect the same exact thing to happen with this Takeda acquisition too. Yes, you will eventually be doing everything the Takeda way. If you started your career at Baxter you have been pin balled.

No FW ! That Shire would be considered big pharma. Obviously you have not worked else where
simple - PS & Dempsey.

Don’t use B&L tactics. Focus should be on specialists not Primary care !
Learn from competitors should such as AGN and don’t be arrogant- ask employees who have joined specifically to help.