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TAKEDA got calls today


2,500 losing jobs at Takeda. With the 2000 from NPC, that equates to 4,500 in just a few short months. Rumor has it that AZ and Roche are getting ready as well. According to a recruiter, Pharma has lost over 100,000 reps in last 4 years, granted, some found jobs at other pharma companies but the slaughter was no where near the magnitude that this is becoming.


2,500 losing jobs at Takeda. With the 2000 from NPC, that equates to 4,500 in just a few short months. Rumor has it that AZ and Roche are getting ready as well. According to a recruiter, Pharma has lost over 100,000 reps in last 4 years, granted, some found jobs at other pharma companies but the slaughter was no where near the magnitude that this is becoming.

Yes it is true about Astra Z. A headhunter/recruiter called me about a position with Touchpoint Solutions that is contracting positions for Astra Z. They will be replaced by contract sales.

Thanks Obama!

The contraction of pharma sales started before Obama Skippy. It started when Bush leveraged our industry to give seniors drug benefits that the government couldn't pay for. That action gave PBM's the power to say generics first and that decimated cash cow areas like cardiovascular where you can use 2 generics to get the same effect as 1 brand

The contraction of pharma sales started before Obama Skippy. It started when Bush leveraged our industry to give seniors drug benefits that the government couldn't pay for. That action gave PBM's the power to say generics first and that decimated cash cow areas like cardiovascular where you can use 2 generics to get the same effect as 1 brand

Agreed! Like the govn't could really keep the tab up on Baby Boomers!!...Nothing against people living longer/elderly...but BUSH screwed the younger generation ...we are paying out the booty for baby boomers health care cuz they are living longer then the gov't expected...we will have nothing!

Get your facts straight. Yes, young one, you are paying it forward for Medicare for the baby boomers but if you look at your pay stub you will see that about 2% of your gross income gets deducted for Medicare each year. Thus, you are paying for your own Medicare, AS HAVE THE BABY BOOMERS BEEN PAYING FOR MOST OF THEIR CAREER. Is 2% enough to carry the expenses for a lifetime? Probably not, but if they do away with Medicare when I am 65 (or social security for which I've paid into for the last 35 years) I want my money back!!!!

When Obamacare takes efect u will see decline in MD visits as payments to those will be drastcally deduced.

MD's will work like mad too see more pts to ake up the shortfall of reimbursement for services thus less time visiting with reps too hear the same old stroy.

Practices will be concentrating on drugs that offices can make a profit on. Other high priced drugs with small margins will be discontinued or pt sent to the hospital for. Clinics will limit drug usage on elderly pts due to Obamacare rules.

The days of spenfing quality time with your doc's is over. They will have to make up the dhortfall in payments from medicare/medicade by increasing volume of pts seen/day.

Big Pharma knows this and thats ONE reason for layoffs in mass #'s. With limited access u don't need 2-3 reps calling on each MD.

Hope this helps.