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Takeda announces reorganization


Hmmmm...major reorganization at the top of senior leadership. THAT is something That always happens when the future looks bright, right?

Tell me again how Takeda is better than Novo?



Big Reorganization announcement July 1st. Musical chairs senior management, wholesale changes down below one of which will transfer to Contract, which one will it be?

All the big guys in Japan restructure to save the funds for their own parachutes, it's the start of the "tsunami" that will hit the US team slowly but surely....stay tuned!

Come on! We all knew this had to come eventually. We should have cut our company by 68% after we lost Actos and Prevacid patents. Instead we pulled back a tiny 28%. I think it is already quite clear that alo is going to grossly underperform estimates. Just ask anyone trying to sell that dog in the field.

Poster a few above is probably right that it will start soon at the senior level and once that change is made the new blood will decide where and who will be cut. Just looking at our sales and projections, I'm thinking it will have to be a major blood letting this go around. On big quick one and hopefully we won't have to worry about this again for a while.

I say bring it on. It's been long overdue. Just do it right this time. No more death by a thousand paper cuts. Those who are left will finally be able to work and not worry about the next layoff.

Come on! We all knew this had to come eventually. We should have cut our company by 68% after we lost Actos and Prevacid patents. Instead we pulled back a tiny 28%. I think it is already quite clear that alo is going to grossly underperform estimates. Just ask anyone trying to sell that dog in the field.

Poster a few above is probably right that it will start soon at the senior level and once that change is made the new blood will decide where and who will be cut. Just looking at our sales and projections, I'm thinking it will have to be a major blood letting this go around. On big quick one and hopefully we won't have to worry about this again for a while.

I say bring it on. It's been long overdue. Just do it right this time. No more death by a thousand paper cuts. Those who are left will finally be able to work and not worry about the next layoff.

This is only a reorganization of senior management. Pharmaceutical company's often make this type of move all the time. It is actually a good thing to rattle the cage a little bit. Moreover, we're already at a minimal size to sell the products in our bags.

Dexilant going to contract sales should be no surprise. This has been floating around for a long time. I would assume the current Dex reps will pickup a replacement.

What happened after this announcement last year?

January - March 2012
March 29, 2012

Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Limited
Takeda Announces New Assignment of Directors, Change of Senior Leadership and Reorganization

Come on! We all knew this had to come eventually. We should have cut our company by 68% after we lost Actos and Prevacid patents. Instead we pulled back a tiny 28%. I think it is already quite clear that alo is going to grossly underperform estimates. Just ask anyone trying to sell that dog in the field.

Poster a few above is probably right that it will start soon at the senior level and once that change is made the new blood will decide where and who will be cut. Just looking at our sales and projections, I'm thinking it will have to be a major blood letting this go around. On big quick one and hopefully we won't have to worry about this again for a while.

I say bring it on. It's been long overdue. Just do it right this time. No more death by a thousand paper cuts. Those who are left will finally be able to work and not worry about the next layoff.

Balls on post brother. I hope the severance packages are as fantastic this time as they were the last three. Going to the beach now. Peace out!

Balls on post brother. I hope the severance packages are as fantastic this time as they were the last three. Going to the beach now. Peace out!

This creates the opportunity for the pet employees (brown nosers) to move into better positions. I don't see ANY connection to layoffs.

A big sign last layoff was the hiring freeze. Remember, this was rolled out as an illustration as to how intelligent and caring our senior leaders are in these situations. They stated the hiring freeze was only temporary and asked DMs to support this as a well thought out plan. Liars!

I don't feel layoffs are approaching. I think we will move products to a contract sales organization and be asked to pickup some BS product or assist with the alo launch.

Does it really matter?

This is only a reorganization of senior management. Pharmaceutical company's often make this type of move all the time. It is actually a good thing to rattle the cage a little bit. Moreover, we're already at a minimal size to sell the products in our bags.

Dexilant going to contract sales should be no surprise. This has been floating around for a long time. I would assume the current Dex reps will pickup a replacement.

If Takeda pulls Dexilant, it would be one of the stupidest moves in its 230 year history. Physicians say that all ppi's are the same (even with DDR) and they write for the rep. Dexilant also gets access for our other drugs. The whole portfolio will tank if they pull Dex. So, expect it to happen.

If Takeda pulls Dexilant, it would be one of the stupidest moves in its 230 year history. Physicians say that all ppi's are the same (even with DDR) and they write for the rep. Dexilant also gets access for our other drugs. The whole portfolio will tank if they pull Dex. So, expect it to happen.

This is the dumbest thing I've read on cafepharma in a longtime. MANAGED CARE COVERAGE is why they write a PPI not the rep or product. Get with the program, Jackass!

If Takeda pulls Dexilant, it would be one of the stupidest moves in its 230 year history. Physicians say that all ppi's are the same (even with DDR) and they write for the rep. Dexilant also gets access for our other drugs. The whole portfolio will tank if they pull Dex. So, expect it to happen.

MC tells them what to write,and as usual we have terrible MC coverage.You can get Nexium almost everywhere.

If Takeda pulls Dexilant, it would be one of the stupidest moves in its 230 year history. Physicians say that all ppi's are the same (even with DDR) and they write for the rep. Dexilant also gets access for our other drugs. The whole portfolio will tank if they pull Dex. So, expect it to happen.

Not true. Linzmess reps have Nexium in their bag and that's getting them nowhere. Nexium is more of a commodity than Dexilant and isn't doing shit for Linzmess sales.

MC tells them what to write,and as usual we have terrible MC coverage.You can get Nexium almost everywhere.

If MC coverage is terrible and Dexilant does $750 million/yr, then how is that possible? It's because we have a sales force promoting Dexilant to the docs, building relationships and asking for the business. Take that away and the scripts will drop. Just compare the market share from your no see docs versus those that you call on. That's why Nexium dropped their sales force, then was forced to re-hire one.

If MC coverage is terrible and Dexilant does $750 million/yr, then how is that possible? It's because we have a sales force promoting Dexilant to the docs, building relationships and asking for the business. Take that away and the scripts will drop. Just compare the market share from your no see docs versus those that you call on. That's why Nexium dropped their sales force, then was forced to re-hire one.

Again,its not about gross sales,but net profit.We are practically giving it away to any MC plan we can attract.We are also shooting ourselves in the foot by continuing to push that worthless Plavix study.The ACG,went on record saying that there are no issues here.Let's try to keep some of our credibility intact.