Take Accountability Ilumya Leadership


Never in my life have I seen such an enormous, unwarranted, and gross amount of finger pointing by leadership (RSM, NSD, US Sales) towards field sales/TMs.
Constant disingenuous lip service about fixing the Hub failure, nonexistent FRMs, market access disaster, offices not able to get drug, high resignations, constant change in direction, list goes on. Keeping AG on? And everyone having same goals? What the hell is going on with this so-called innovative leadership group? They say they are “fixing it” but all they do is blame TMs for EVERYTHING!!
STOP! MORE RESIGNATIONS COMING!! WAKE UP YOU ARE LOSING GOOD PEOPLE! Being on a 3rd or 4th TM, 2nd-3rd FRM, 2nd-3rd MSL and you have to ask why HCPs don’t have confidence in us?
The harassment and blatantly obvious tactics to force certain TMs out is also disgusting! HR may not do their job but lawyers will. Stop bullying people and focus on saving this sinking ship!

Never in my life have I seen such an enormous, unwarranted, and gross amount of finger pointing by leadership (RSM, NSD, US Sales) towards field sales/TMs.
Constant disingenuous lip service about fixing the Hub failure, nonexistent FRMs, market access disaster, offices not able to get drug, high resignations, constant change in direction, list goes on. Keeping AG on? And everyone having same goals? What the hell is going on with this so-called innovative leadership group? They say they are “fixing it” but all they do is blame TMs for EVERYTHING!!
STOP! MORE RESIGNATIONS COMING!! WAKE UP YOU ARE LOSING GOOD PEOPLE! Being on a 3rd or 4th TM, 2nd-3rd FRM, 2nd-3rd MSL and you have to ask why HCPs don’t have confidence in us?
The harassment and blatantly obvious tactics to force certain TMs out is also disgusting! HR may not do their job but lawyers will. Stop bullying people and focus on saving this sinking ship!

No sales equals no bonus. I’m sorry that where you were raised they gave away participation trophies. Welcome to the big city... And it’s all pay for play here. Time for you to go back to a sample drop job. Fricking whiners.

Never in my life have I seen such an enormous, unwarranted, and gross amount of finger pointing by leadership (RSM, NSD, US Sales) towards field sales/TMs.
Constant disingenuous lip service about fixing the Hub failure, nonexistent FRMs, market access disaster, offices not able to get drug, high resignations, constant change in direction, list goes on. Keeping AG on? And everyone having same goals? What the hell is going on with this so-called innovative leadership group? They say they are “fixing it” but all they do is blame TMs for EVERYTHING!!
STOP! MORE RESIGNATIONS COMING!! WAKE UP YOU ARE LOSING GOOD PEOPLE! Being on a 3rd or 4th TM, 2nd-3rd FRM, 2nd-3rd MSL and you have to ask why HCPs don’t have confidence in us?
The harassment and blatantly obvious tactics to force certain TMs out is also disgusting! HR may not do their job but lawyers will. Stop bullying people and focus on saving this sinking ship!

Everything you say is spot on. It’s like a bunch of bratty unsupervised kids running around causing mayhem then blaming next kid so they don’t get in trouble when they trash house, in this case, Ilumya.
The East sucks! PS maybe if you take your lifts out of your shoes you can come back down from your delusions that sales respects you. We don’t respect tyrants. No way to lead.
Sun is a shitshow.

No sales equals no bonus. I’m sorry that where you were raised they gave away participation trophies. Welcome to the big city... And it’s all pay for play here. Time for you to go back to a sample drop job. Fricking whiners.

Hey smartass:

why do you think Ilumya has failed ? Hint: not one-dimensional.
Please, really, I’d like to know what you think.

No sales equals no bonus. I’m sorry that where you were raised they gave away participation trophies. Welcome to the big city... And it’s all pay for play here. Time for you to go back to a sample drop job. Fricking whiners.

Come on you can’t be serious? The big city? Joke! I rode all my buy and bill accounts to a sweet fat bonus! I’m not OP but even with the cash I hate this place. We’ve been riding it out till bonus in bank, sail through Santa season and say see ya! By the way if you’ve had someone sign for samples dumbass you aren’t any different. Go take your Starbucks and GTFOH!

No sales equals no bonus. I’m sorry that where you were raised they gave away participation trophies. Welcome to the big city... And it’s all pay for play here. Time for you to go back to a sample drop job. Fricking whiners.

Pay for play? You are a “Fricking” Moron. The big city of what? Big city of federal indictments, lawsuits, and high employee turnovers? No sales equals no bonus, damn another Sun genius! Got my bonus and my participation trophy from worst biologic launch at a company is on my mantle lol.

Leadership start owning your own incompetence and that of this division. Do the right thing for once, grow a pair, own your part in this disaster, and quit the bullshit mind f**k games when it comes to the TMs. LOOK AT THE TURNOVER AND MORE TO COME! Get your shit together and that of this company. And stop throwing people under the bus to make yourself look better with your unscrupulous shady tactics because those people have documentation of every type so knock it off. It’s the weekend, back the f**k off.

This whole place is in the toilet. Home office won’t ever do anything except keep moving people into positions they shouldn’t be in and paying people to keep quiet. Crooked company.

How about stop expecting TMs to work on the f-ing weekends. We aren’t like docs on call saving lives so leave us the F**K alone.

No shit! My life isn’t this place 24/7
Meetings are one thing, programs I get part of it but emailing and especially texting can wait. Don’t send text about what I’m doing about BIs when I’m at my kids game on weekend douchebag. One guy got text at funeral when he was pallbearer on weekend asking why he didn’t take coffee to his top writer week before and his RSM knew he was at funeral. Talk about dick move. GTFOH with this bullshit RSMs!

RSM texting on nights and weekends is ridiculous. please contact me during business hours. Sending out a group text at night to make it look like you did something all day and were so busy...

No shit! My life isn’t this place 24/7
Meetings are one thing, programs I get part of it but emailing and especially texting can wait. Don’t send text about what I’m doing about BIs when I’m at my kids game on weekend douchebag. One guy got text at funeral when he was pallbearer on weekend asking why he didn’t take coffee to his top writer week before and his RSM knew he was at funeral. Talk about dick move. GTFOH with this bullshit RSMs!

Where was the funeral? Did BF do that? Unbelievable!! Don’t tolerate that from him.