Tageted employees


For Valeant to be so certain as to how much money they are going to save (800 million) through job cuts WP must have given Valeant their list of employees to cut.

Either that or the costs associated with a particular facility was shared with Valeant by WP. What facility at B+L if closed would save the company 800 million dollars?

New Jersey? Tampa, Rochester, St Louis, California? Any hint of Valeant snooping around your facility asking detailed questions on moving things out and it is time to really start looking for a new job.

They are targeting $800m in savings. They can estimate that number based on the ratio of SG&A to revenue. WP didn't give them a list of employees or a specific facility they recommend for termination/closure...Valeant will make those decisions themselves.

To be honest though. There is no real reason to speculate what is going to happen. We will all find out soon enough.

Good luck everyone.

Re: Targeted employees

Looking at older 10-K reports on Sec.gov, B+L's SG&A as a % of revenue was between 38% and 43% during the years they were publicly filing. Assuming present day $3.3b in revenues, and that the 40% SG&A ratio still holds, and the fact that Pearson wants it down in the 20% (ish) range, which is what Valeant's ratio is (according to a quote of his), that would infer a savings upward of $600m in SG&A alone. That's a lot of cost to carve out.