T.K. In Tenn. Sues, Gets 175K, Still Here, Bitching and Kickin Ass


Can someone be so kinda as to fill the rest of us in on the general details of this "miracle."

Its apparent she kicked ass and is probably untouchable, b/c anything the Nazis do can be easily interpreted/argued in court as retaliation. You go girl. Drive management nuts.

Part of the gender discrimination lawsuit who flew of course to NYC to testify. Who does this and gets away with it other than a girl in Memphis who has been with company for 10 years. Her husband worked for the company for about 9 years up until 2 years ago when he was let go. They were the only husband & wife team in the company who can we say pulled things off that a normal person could never dream of. They pulled scams that won both of them winning Pres Club. Ex. promising doctors a free ticket to Hawaii if he would write enough scripts to win and when they won they would tell the doc's that they can no longer do this. Ruthless

6200 women owe her and the other women a debt of gratitude. You all have inner strength that many people will never be able to properly thank you for so from all of us, thank you. The money that we will be receiving shortly will be helpful to many of us who were so shockingly let go on December 2, 2010. Unfortunately, Novartis did not learn the lessons from that lawsuit and will again be sued in the future.

You have to look at it like a bad relationship. If you call HR on everyone you have worked for and half the people you have worked with, at some point you might want to look at yourself and realize that it might not be them.

Just because she doesn't leave her house doesn't mean she doesn't work. Some people know how to work smart. My new manager Phillip will soon find that out. Oh Phillip, don't freak out when I start buying you tons of presents like I do everyone else that I talk too. I will send you easter candy from me, Valentine cards of your favorite thing such as Disney World and make sure they are signed by my kids of course. I will send you gifts all the time so that you will like me. I do this to all my managers. Just FYI I will also invite you to go to dinner with my hubby. I can't go anywhere without him because he is scared I will cheat on him again with the GNC guy.

Where did her husband go after he got fired?

Just because she doesn't leave her house doesn't mean she doesn't work. Some people know how to work smart. My new manager Phillip will soon find that out. Oh Phillip, don't freak out when I start buying you tons of presents like I do everyone else that I talk too. I will send you easter candy from me, Valentine cards of your favorite thing such as Disney World and make sure they are signed by my kids of course. I will send you gifts all the time so that you will like me. I do this to all my managers. Just FYI I will also invite you to go to dinner with my hubby. I can't go anywhere without him because he is scared I will cheat on him again with the GNC guy.

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