Launch meeting will be a total fuck feast!!!!!!
try the executive wing...
The meeting was ok. Not exciting for a launch.
The meeting sucked! Could not wait for the week to end.
By the looks of it, the new Medical Director thought so too.
Anything will be more fun than selling this dog!
Well, what's the verdict? I'm hearing a lot of yeah, ok, uh ha, will keep it in mind, NEXT!
Maybe a total of 30 patients nationally a year.... Ariad's drug will help to diminish patient prospects.... Completely intolerant patients are the only chance.... How much was spent to acquire this drug???
I just read Ariad's drug was approved. This will diminish patient prospects.
I just read Ariad's drug was approved. This will diminish patient prospects.
No kidding, water could do better than this drug. plus no one is working and promoting it so how is it going to get sold
Speak for yourself , idiot