yes, I know your multiple posts in this same format on this board surely tell me you must be the Competitive intelligence troll with the Biologic landscape competitive intel monthly monitoring project that probably started this Board on's technically is not a company board at all, so I don't know how you got it started anyhow. However clearly, you are here to profit. Here's some things we want to know from you... Are you panicking because no one will speak with you live? Since you never openly share you are CI, is it the anonymous part of CP that makes you feel safe? it troubling to have earned a PhD or MD degree, and to use that degree to troll? if if we spoke live would you scam me, or anyone, and say: "I'm Doctor (so and so) and I am interested in...?" and then without me knowing, or anyone you speak with knowing, would you put my quote in your report as primary research?