Symbicort Leave Behinds??


Where are our Symbicort leave behinds??? We were promised they’d arrive in a few weeks back in early Sept!! Why can’t they tell us the truth about anything?? Ugh!!


Switching a Symbicort RX for a generic Advair cannot occur without a phone call from the pharmacist to the doctor who RX'd it. The pharmacist cannot do an auto switch. In some states, they can for the branded Advair w/o calling the doc, but since Symbicort is not A/B rated, they cannot.
Now, if a pharmacy chain is getting direction to call providers even if not AB rated it is because they want switches to Wixela. The cost to them vs. what the AWP is nets them $300+ per RX.
All the doc has to say is no..... But two or three calls from a pharmacist to that doctor will have them start thinking they should write generic since they are saving the patient money.

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