Switching from Pharma Sales to Medical Device Sales


I've been in pharma sales now for 15 years. Have done well over the years with rankings and have been in president's club. Current company is having massive layoffs soon and I am exploring the job market. Wondering if there is anyone who can give some perspective on this switch?
- Is it worth it? From a financial point of view and a work/life balance p.o.v.? Currently make about 130k as a specialty rep. in pharma.

Any insights/feedback/thoughts are much appreciated!


I've been in pharma sales now for 15 years. Have done well over the years with rankings and have been in president's club. Current company is having massive layoffs soon and I am exploring the job market. Wondering if there is anyone who can give some perspective on this switch?
- Is it worth it? From a financial point of view and a work/life balance p.o.v.? Currently make about 130k as a specialty rep. in pharma.

Any insights/feedback/thoughts are much appreciated!

I had 12 years pharma and switched to device about 8 years ago. My advice is if you aren't in a hospital or specialty role without a pod, you need to move into one of those roles first. I sold to cardiologist in the cath lab my entire pharma career so it was an easy transition to cath lab devices. Plenty of people on here will tell you it is impossible, but it can be done. Work life balance is very different in device. I work at least 60 hours per week and the money is much more then pharma, but the pay/hour is less.

I see a lot of device jobs that pay less than 200k, for the work that is required i wouldn't switch from pharma unless you can bump your income at least 60K.

Don't let anyone talk you out of it. Most device reps will tell you they don't hire pharma reps. That's bullshit. Most of the med device reps I know spent time in pharma including myself. Pharma has some of the best training. But, you will have to work your ass off to succeed. Dropping trays, case cancellations etc. Be prepared

Don't let anyone talk you out of it. Most device reps will tell you they don't hire pharma reps. That's bullshit. Most of the med device reps I know spent time in pharma including myself. Pharma has some of the best training. But, you will have to work your ass off to succeed. Dropping trays, case cancellations etc. Be prepared

This ^^^.

I've been in pharma sales now for 15 years. Have done well over the years with rankings and have been in president's club. Current company is having massive layoffs soon and I am exploring the job market. Wondering if there is anyone who can give some perspective on this switch?
- Is it worth it? From a financial point of view and a work/life balance p.o.v.? Currently make about 130k as a specialty rep. in pharma.

Any insights/feedback/thoughts are much appreciated!

Whatever you do, make sure that you are able to use the tools/software that you need to do your job well (like if you found useful tools in your old job, make sure you can use them at the new medical device job). I personally swear by Map My Customers because it's affordable and simple for me to use. Look around for similar solutions.

Having only 2 jobs in 24 years, I am going to qualify myself to reply. 13 with Abbott and 12 with Boston Neuro. It's boring but all depends on you. The hours are long, from pharma is a QOL hit for sure. Money? Yes very good but again all relative. For me, satisfaction was impt.

I am with a biotech-oncology making $155K and wondering what the potential is for device? Is it worth they hype and the 50 hour work week? Is device that much better than device/capital? The benefits are fantastic and it is a great company but I am wondering if there is more?