Switching from government work to med devices


As a guy who works for the state and has been strongly considering moving into the industry I am looking for the opinions of those of you that are in it as to whether or not it's a good move. I just turned 30, own a home, no kids but likely married in a year or two.

In another thread here people were recommending to a rep to actually get into government work! It's soul crushing day in day out seeing things not get done due to red tape or the laziness of others. It is, however, incredibly secure with solid benes.

That said, what would you all recommend? I have two friends and two family members in the device/pharma sales industry and they all say it isn't what it used to be, but are encouraging me to switch over from government IT work (systems director/developer FWIW). They're also offering to help get me a job in the industry.

Just curious what your thoughts are. Current job tops out around $110k (though at 85k now and takes 7 years to get to 110) with good health benes and pension.

I've also read that the healtcare software sales is a good industry, given my background that may be a better fit (15 years in IT and a masters in comp sci). Thoughts?

Thanks for any advice you can offer.


Only 1 year in and in a niche space, i come from b2b sales. It may not be what it used to be but its still an awesome field to be in. I work from my home, company car, 100+ OTE and to be honest, im only in the field 2-3x a week from 9-2. This is not because im lazy or dont want to work, its just the nature of the beast at least for my space im in.

Lots of admin time answering/forwardig emails which is ridiculously easy and i can mostly do from my phone. Tons of flexibility/QOL.

For me, an office/cube job isnt an option. I cant watch a clock tick/have somebody over my shoulder.

Most important piece of advice for any sales is that your manager dictates your QOL- make sure your boss is not a micro'er before taking a gig

I hear IT sales in the field is very luctative

Im only mid 20s but if you're going to have a family, sales/particularly med is for you. Reps can always pick their kids up from school/leave on a dime due to the nature and they work out of their houses

Again im only speaking for my space, surgical/anything on call is another beast.

Best of luck and remember manager makes or breaks your job!!

OP here, that was incredibly informative and helpful. I really appreciate you taking some time out to share your experience. QOL is good to know about as that is the biggest perk of this job(aside from pension and being in a union...job security is often taken for granted). Pardon my ignorance, but as I'm green to this can you explain what you mean by 100+OTE? Presumptively this refers to salary + ??? Again, thanks for the insight.

Any of you who have been in the industry for a while care to share on what you'd do if put in my shoes/if you could go back in time?

OP here, that was incredibly informative and helpful. I really appreciate you taking some time out to share your experience. QOL is good to know about as that is the biggest perk of this job(aside from pension and being in a union...job security is often taken for granted). Pardon my ignorance, but as I'm green to this can you explain what you mean by 100+OTE? Presumptively this refers to salary + ??? Again, thanks for the insight.

Any of you who have been in the industry for a while care to share on what you'd do if put in my shoes/if you could go back in time?

Yup OTE is on taget earnings. (Salary+bonus/comish)

Some spaces are higher base, lower comish and vice versa.

Govt jobs definitely have more job security, that being said once you're in med you can hop around and If anything happens to your company/position, typically you can land a gig elsewhere.

That said, what would you all recommend? I have two friends and two family members in the device/pharma sales industry and they all say it isn't what it used to be, but are encouraging me to switch over from government IT work (systems director/developer FWIW). They're also offering to help get me a job in the industry.

Get out of the Gov't. Stay in IT...What do private sector 'Systems Directors/developers' make? I'd venture that System Directors in many sectors do just as well, if not better than a decent Device rep, with higher job security to boot. Not to mention piece of mind at the end of the day. You're going to have to earn your stripes in devices. I wouldn't expect to walk into a big cush territory that consistently blows out quota. Regardless, if you don't get that puppy beating quota after 12 months, you can kiss your job goodbye.

Get out of the Gov't. Stay in IT...What do private sector 'Systems Directors/developers' make? I'd venture that System Directors in many sectors do just as well, if not better than a decent Device rep, with higher job security to boot. Not to mention piece of mind at the end of the day. You're going to have to earn your stripes in devices. I wouldn't expect to walk into a big cush territory that consistently blows out quota. Regardless, if you don't get that puppy beating quota after 12 months, you can kiss your job goodbye.

OP here. Thanks for the input, it's good to know what challenges to expect. I've thought about that, but the hours are close to 70-80/week in this position private sector. Also, the big reasons I'm debating leaving are the two following items: I don't know if I can sit behind a desk all day and convince myself I wasn't throwing my life away. Two, I'm looking for the challenge you mentioned of quotas. I get I'll have to cut my teeth again, but I didn't make it to director at 30 by being lazy. Not that it's a direct translation to what you guys do, but I mean it as a measure of my work ethic.

All that said, any advice on what too look for/avoid? I hear trauma is not the way to go...spine is good for QOL, but that's about all I've got to go on.

Again - thank you!

Yup OTE is on taget earnings. (Salary+bonus/comish)

Some spaces are higher base, lower comish and vice versa.

Govt jobs definitely have more job security, that being said once you're in med you can hop around and If anything happens to your company/position, typically you can land a gig elsewhere.

OP here...Mind if I ask what space you're in allowing for your QOL?

OP here...Mind if I ask what space you're in allowing for your QOL?


Our IT sales guys work from home, travel sometimes for big meetings, and get paid sweet. Lots of conference calls

My job is account maintenance/bringing in new biz but once people meet you/like you, your existing biz is set and they will always meet to talk about new products.

More cold calling/lless maintenance will pay more but again qol goes down and less flexibility.