You know something smells when you are surveying your employees and asking them their too 3 places that they get news. This won’t end well for Takeda.
You know something smells when you are surveying your employees and asking them their too 3 places that they get news. This won’t end well for Takeda.
It’s not all about where we get our non Takeda news, but it does ask where we get our “everyday news-not Takeda related”. It asks about what social media sites we use and asks us to list 3 sources.
This is none of their buisness.
You know something smells when you are surveying your employees and asking them their too 3 places that they get news. This won’t end well for Takeda.
It’s not all about where we get our non Takeda news, but it does ask where we get our “everyday news-not Takeda related”. It asks about what social media sites we use and asks us to list 3 sources.
This is none of their buisness.