I left the company about 1 year ago...and could of predicted what the results would be even then. Senior Management did a wonderful job of ruining a nice culture and a decent place to work. The way people are treated now is just amazing pitiful. They have created a culture of in-fighting, backstabbing and absolute fear. Somehow Mgmt thinks that this will create greater results and accountability....but instead it stifles leadership, creativity, teamwork and job satisfaction which are the hallmarks of all long term successfull organizations. Employee's can only be beaten down psychologically for so long before their spirit breaks. I learned personally that no amount of money was worth what being done to my mental and physical health. Like most of you...I had been in pharma for 12 plus years and made a very nice six figure salary & bonus...but the job was killing me. Having said all this... what I have noticed on this board and many others... is that most of you are trying to figure out how to hang on to what you have...but the truth is that this company and the entire pharma industry has already changed like many other industries (auto, manufacturing, video stores, etc...). Things will never be the same because based on many factors (lack of access to customers, regulatory pressures, healthcare reform & significant decreases in blockbuster products/theraputic classes). It no longer makes sense for companies to pay hundreds & thousands of sales representatives...salaries, bonuses, benefits, company cars,etc... to promote products to customers they can not see and in many cases will not even accept samples... when they can downsize significantly reducing their operating expenses & adapt an e-commerce model through the internet via websites, video detailing, video conferences, etc... There will probably always be sales representatives... however I am predicting that in 5 years most "major pharma" companies will reduce their sales force by another 50-70%. Also, what these people will be paid will be significantly different with lower salaries, bonuses, no company cars and a lesser benefit packages. So after writing all this what are you going to choose to do? Despite all the brainwashing from upper management there is life after pharma! Do you have a financial plan that includes becoming debt free and living a more streamlined and afforable life style? Have you saved at least 6-8 months living expenses in case you are put on a PIP and eventually fired or downsized. (My guess is that Astellas will not be handing out the big comp. packages that other companies did in the past). Do you have other skills, training, degree's that you can use to re-invent yourself? The best way to fight what is occurring @ Astellas and other companies that choose to abuse and take advantages of their employees during these challenging times...is to be prepared and ready for what is next! I hope you all heed this advice instead fight amongst yourself about who works harder or has the worst product mix...because things are changing and HAVE CHANGED whether you choose to recognize it not! Good luck! THERE IS LIFE AFTER PHARMA!