Survey of women: settlement payout amount


Ladies, I am curious about what other people received. Based on the months you were included in the lawsuit, what was your payout? Example, I was there all 84 months. So my award divided by 84 was $226 pr month for backpay and $152 for compensatory. Please break out backpay and compensatory.

Ladies, I am curious about what other people received. Based on the months you were included in the lawsuit, what was your payout? Example, I was there all 84 months. So my award divided by 84 was $226 pr month for backpay and $152 for compensatory. Please break out backpay and compensatory.

Thought is was 96 months- July 2002-July 2010

So current ladies of Novartis. Now that we received our "back wages" pay, when are we going to get our current salary increased to match the men. Was this a one time slap on the hand for Novartis and life continues as it was before the lawsuit with men getting paid more than us? Just wondering......

Did everyone that requested compensatory damages receive the money??

What about medical rider???

Not sure why, but I didnt get either, just back pay.

Did you have all the supporting documentation.
FOr compensatory you had to fill out the form and attach a word document with what had happened
I know for the medical you had to have Drs fill something out

Filed for compensetory, seems to have been overlooked. Can this be appealed or is that a waste of time??

I submitted the Claim Form and the Medical Rider (with Dr. letters) and only received the monthly compensatory payment ($150 per month), no additional compensatory payment. I called and was told to submit a letter stating my case and include all original documents that I submitted the first time. Mail it to the Minneapolis address that is on the check.