I did for two years and loved it, so did other managers. Some of us are back in the ctl gig and others reps, all due to vast cuts over the years. I think it should be mandatory for ctl's to become reps for 6-12 months every five years. I know of mrl folk, market research, ctl's and HSC's that took sales gigs during cuts even though they had external offers. Most are humble and enjoy what they do regardless of titles & perks. Many of them will probably move upwards again as they have talent, motivation and a good attitude. Again, any person in the same job for five years at this company should be required to do another position for a spell. This goes for the ceo to IT to fleet services. People need to experience new teams, skills, products and the like. Bring in the right person into a team and everyone shines. That is the Jack Welch way, shake it up and raise the bar.