

Does it surprise anyone that Forest is expanding it's salesforce when Lexapro is going generic? Isn't Lexapro Forest's biggest money maker? How is that going to play out?

They are expanding, but they are also forcing out the reps that have been here for longer than 5 years and that are less than 50 years of age. Pay more reps less money. Also, they are wanting reps to get kicked out of offices regularly. It is not about relationships anymore. It is a used car salesman mentality they are looking for

There are 2 products that are being launched in the next couple months and a couple submissions pending as well. The expansion is very modest at best. I wish this subject would just die, its getting old.

There are 2 products that are being launched in the next couple months and a couple submissions pending as well. The expansion is very modest at best. I wish this subject would just die, its getting old.

No matter what you think about reps getting "pushed out" or the success of any and all upcoming new drugs, there is NO WAY Forest can make up for the revenue lost by Lexapro going generic. Maybe the subject is getting old to you, but it will never die as long as it's relevant. Obviously you have been drinking way too much kool-aid to get that.

Well that's the advantage of not being narrow minded isn't it? Pessimism like yours breeds the infestation that makes overcoming the replacement of lexapro that much harder. I get your point and if layoffs come, they come. In such a case there isn't much we can do about it can we? At least I will know that i gave it my all no matter what happens.

Lets not confuse being smart with being narrow minded shall we? Idiot. Hey fuckface, no matter what your DM tries to sell you and spin to your patethic pea brain, this company is going to chop the shit out of its "pods" once and for allllll. No avoiding that mrs. sunshine. Put that in your pipe and smoke it! Having a diluted view like you and deflecting reality to being narrow minded is exactly what forest wants until the rug is yanked under everyones feet. wake up cougar!