Surgical Solutions should be called Surgical Shit!


4 recalls in less than 1 year. Hey Bryan! What is your excuse now? What are you going to do to fix this? Where is any credibility for the salesforce? I guess the new 35million database will get us out of this bind. Can't wait for the next shoe to fall. I guess when we fall short of our # again it will be our fault.

Watch out for powered ultra egia - it will be the game changer that returns autosuture to the lap chole glory days! I wish all you neysayers would be here to experience it but big blue is on to you and your time is running out fast.

powered anything will never come out of n haven....too complicated for your feeble manual stapler minds...tried on your own for 2 years-failed. bought someone else tried for 2 1/2 your back to working on your own again....let me guess cov will fail.

what a bunch of morons