Sureclick Recall in Europe


The recall of Sureclick in Europe has hit the news media. Do a quick google search. Two of my customers were asking about it yesterday. We should halt promotion of Sureclick here in the USA until they rectify all the problems they are having with it overseas. We look like fools promoting something with questionable effectiveness.

Hey whiz kid - no issues with Enbrel SureClick in the US. No reason to halt Aranesp Sureclick in the US. The issue appears to be isolated to European Neulasta SureClick.

The recall of Sureclick in Europe has hit the news media. Do a quick google search. Two of my customers were asking about it yesterday. We should halt promotion of Sureclick here in the USA until they rectify all the problems they are having with it overseas. We look like fools promoting something with questionable effectiveness.
I too was blindsided by a doctor on Friday about this issue. Sofar, there hasn't been much excitement about sureclick in my area.

The question is, how many units were unsold by the time when the recall was made, Adalberto Rivera should answer this one, knowing him, probably all were sold and use