Sure, blame us! It's so motivating.


The National meeting was nonstop finger pointing. Do sales justify that? Our region is down, but only 15% and doesn't everyone expect higher sales in spring and fall, lower in Winter/Summer? The air was so toxic, I didn't want to say a word. But, won't anything above $70M be OK this quarter? My region is on track for that, are others down more?

The National meeting was nonstop finger pointing. Do sales justify that? Our region is down, but only 15% and doesn't everyone expect higher sales in spring and fall, lower in Winter/Summer? The air was so toxic, I didn't want to say a word. But, won't anything above $70M be OK this quarter? My region is on track for that, are others down more?

we are down more than 15% in the SE, others?

The National meeting was nonstop finger pointing. Do sales justify that? Our region is down, but only 15% and doesn't everyone expect higher sales in spring and fall, lower in Winter/Summer? The air was so toxic, I didn't want to say a word. But, won't anything above $70M be OK this quarter? My region is on track for that, are others down more?

70M would be the end. BP wouldn't even have interest. Liquidation then would be the most likely scenario. Only way BP has interest is if there is potential for profits that can offset legal fines and settlements as well over 600M in liabilities. The current share price only takes into account what the current science is worth because that is all this company is worth. The science right now does not support a profitable product but can be advanced on to make a product that has a chance of profitability. Provenge very clearly has shown it will never make a profit for anyone.

The National meeting was nonstop finger pointing. Do sales justify that? Our region is down, but only 15% and doesn't everyone expect higher sales in spring and fall, lower in Winter/Summer? The air was so toxic, I didn't want to say a word. But, won't anything above $70M be OK this quarter? My region is on track for that, are others down more?

You mean the national meeting that is happening next month? Liar.

Who is BP? I thought this company was hiring new sales people. How can they do that if the financial state of the company is so grim?

BP is big pharma. Anything they are doing now is to look like they think the company can succeed. If you completely throw in towel and outsiders figure out that mgmt does not believe in the company and the BoD wants this closed yesterday, then there will be not even the most lukewarm interest in the company.

The company has even kept a factory open a year longer than was needed to dishonestly justify guidance that was never close to reality on day one but also that was not lowered for close to a year. If they are hiring salespeople, it is just more of the same. It is window dressing. It is to make it appear to BP that they actually believe. Of course actually believing would mean wealthy insiders would be buying millions of dollars of company stock, despite the fact that they already have free shares. Who doesn't believe in making as much as you can?

The financial state of the company is grim. Does more grim matter? Hiring salespeople might decrease only by a few weeks how long they can just wait out either liquidation or a buyout for a few dollars. In the meantime, it "looks" better. Just like keeping the plant open a year "looked" better for the legal cases. In the end every strategy will fail.

Can someone truthfully post if the meeting has taken place or hasn't taken place yet. Please let it be no one who has posted yet on this thread. Looking for a credible post. I don't trust the agenda of the guy who is long who calls everyone a short and I dont trust the agenda any guy who is short. Both have an agenda. Can someone who actually works at Dendreon tell us if the meeting took place? If it didn't then the OP is probably short. If it did, I will continue to trust his posts.

"Provenge very clearly has shown it will never make a profit for anyone."

Who are you Nostradamus? You can read the future? You have no idea what will happen in the future. You are a single lunatic that posts bogus accusations day in and day out in your vendetta against Dendreon. All your accusations are biased. None of you accusations have come to frution in the 14 months you have been posting here. The sales professionals of this board are politely asking you to discontinue your obivious anti-Dendreon, anti-Dendreon employee campaign.

"Provenge very clearly has shown it will never make a profit for anyone."

Who are you Nostradamus? You can read the future? You have no idea what will happen in the future. You are a single lunatic that posts bogus accusations day in and day out in your vendetta against Dendreon. All your accusations are biased. None of you accusations have come to frution in the 14 months you have been posting here. The sales professionals of this board are politely asking you to discontinue your obivious anti-Dendreon, anti-Dendreon employee campaign.

The future is now. Look around.

There are multiple posters here that you don't like Mr. Nasty. Some have been right, some wrong. Alas, you are always wrong or just very gullible (like believing $49M, that one still kills us all!)

no just Natl meeting of RMs (not one, went with boss) not next months all hands

Some are claiming this meeting also has not happened yet. Can you please explain. I am trying to figure out who to trust. I already dont trust the guy who calls everyone a short and only posts positive stories and never any point of view other than positive for a company that went from 60 to 4. It seems like an agenda. On the other hand, if you are posting about meetings that have not taken place yet, it also looks like you have an agenda. Please explain.

That meeting is happening in the beginning of Oct before the NSM. It has not happened yet either.

You're claiming the RMs meet once a quarter for a 30 minute phone call, like you claim the board does. Idiot, the company is bad, but not that bad. RMs meet monthly. That's why they are RMs, to coordinate the sales force. Besides, there is the need to get together for that hanky panky that's been mentioned elsewhere.

Normally I do not like to see anyone lose their jobs. I feel bad for the New Jersey folks because they truly did not do anything to cause this need to trim down. That said, the 145 from Seatlle can only be seen as a godsend for this company. The cancer in the company has been in Seattle and we can only hope that most of those leaving are part of the cancer and that any remaining parts of the cancer go into a form of remission (wake up call) that will imporve this company and get it back on track.

Seattle personnel have been too complacent and then turned nasty and disgruntled. Hopefully, it will not be too long before new Seattle staff is added but not a call back of the old because, as we all know, cancer can return with a vengence. Keep it in remisison and grow healthy cells.

The cancer in the company has been in Seattle

Agree 100%. Nice to find common ground on this board.

Greg Schiffman-Seattle
Mitch Gold-Seattle
Richard Ranieiri-Seattle
Mark Froehlich-Seattle

board of directors-meet in seattle.

Those and a few others are the cancers who destroyed what was once a promising company. They are all still around in one capacity or another.

Employees get fired for non-performance and the true cancers who had the worst performance of all destroying a company and destroying lives remain until the government forces them out by banishment and/or prison.