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Supply Chain


All these people in Supply Chain not assigned to Janssen or MedTech, what the heck do they do every day that adds value? There are several hundred of them, mostly managers or higher. Their cost totals tens of millions of dollars per year.

Supply Chain became the refugee camp for incompetent employees for last 7 years especially in Tech, Quality and other shared services. It was empire building with ZERO value to Biz. I can literally name 100’s of managers and directors who can disappear with Thanos Snap and no one will miss them

Supply Chain is hands down the most wasteful group in the company. They do not make or deliver anything, but take credit for everything. Also extremely top heavy on PG40, PG41, PG50.

Supply Chain is hands down the most wasteful group in the company. They do not make or deliver anything, but take credit for everything. Also extremely top heavy on PG40, PG41, PG50.

You are very ignorant. Any product does not appear out of thin air. Every supply chain function (Plan, Source, Make, Deliver) adds value to customers.

Supply Chain is huge, spends a lot of money, and delivers nothing. This is an underperforming group.

One of the few areas in J&J where the people literally have no work. Look at their calendars, very few meetings. Literal fluff.

This is one area in J&J that needs to be totally eliminated. 200 x 400,000 = a quick $80,000,000 savings. Slam Dunk for the stockholders.

I came up through the Quality organization in EMEA then worked in EMEA Supply Chain for my final 5 years so I know what I am talking about. Ask Make people about Supply Chain now and then you will totally understand that perceived value is very low.

Dapo made a few hc reductions last year then cut and ran. KW should be number on one the list. Her time is up. Give her a nice package and send her on her way. SC needs fresh new blood if it is not completely eliminated.

Stop focusing on Gartner surveys and do actual work for the business.

I and many other Directors in Make & Deliver share this same opinion but we cannot say it aloud. Hopefully Joaquin reads these posts & takes advantage of this huge opportunity before cutting more benefits for everyone.

Supply Chain is huge, spends a lot of money, and delivers nothing. This is an underperforming group.

One of the few areas in J&J where the people literally have no work. Look at their calendars, very few meetings. Literal fluff.

This is one area in J&J that needs to be totally eliminated. 200 x 400,000 = a quick $80,000,000 savings. Slam Dunk for the stockholders.

I came up through the Quality organization in EMEA then worked in EMEA Supply Chain for my final 5 years so I know what I am talking about. Ask Make people about Supply Chain now and then you will totally understand that perceived value is very low.

Dapo made a few hc reductions last year then cut and ran. KW should be number on one the list. Her time is up. Give her a nice package and send her on her way. SC needs fresh new blood if it is not completely eliminated.

Stop focusing on Gartner surveys and do actual work for the business.

This is rich coming from someone with a Quality background. LMAO. Quality is the most useless organization.

All we hear about in our town halls is our Gartner ranking, who cares about that, certainly not our investors. Supply Chain could lose half our people with no impact to the business.

We could easily cut $100,000,000 in headcount CIP. Now that is something that stockholders & customers really like (CREDO).

I and many other Directors in Make & Deliver share this same opinion but we cannot say it aloud. Hopefully Joaquin reads these posts & takes advantage of this huge opportunity before cutting more benefits for everyone.

KW and Gartner focus is a waste of money for sure. But let’s not pretend that we have actual talent in Make and Deliver that does anything special. These functions could all be outsourced and would immediately be 100% more efficient