Sunshine Act=Death of 100K Jobs


Once again, the dork interlopers and a-hole outsiders have filled this site with lies and bogus complaints.

I get calls everyday from offices saying they are canceling all appointments with either Pfizer or all industry. "We'll talk to you if you have something new", they say. But I don't have anything new!!!

How many reps do we need that can't see customers?

This is the slow death of 100,000 jobs across our industry.

Excellent job congress, Obama, dumb ass McCain and all you liberal, left wing, anti-business, commies. Your wish is coming true. A bundle of welfare cases for you to feed.


Once again, the dork interlopers and a-hole outsiders have filled this site with lies and bogus complaints.

I get calls everyday from offices saying they are canceling all appointments with either Pfizer or all industry. "We'll talk to you if you have something new", they say. But I don't have anything new!!!

How many reps do we need that can't see customers?

This is the slow death of 100,000 jobs across our industry.

Excellent job congress, Obama, dumb ass McCain and all you liberal, left wing, anti-business, commies. Your wish is coming true. A bundle of welfare cases for you to feed.

All this law does is require that gifts to physicians be reported. Americans don't want doctors to be bribed to prescribe drugs.

I knew someone who had issues with depression. In one episode of depression, zoloft had been prescribed and it worked well. Later on when the depression came back (and there was a different doctor), paxil was prescribed, and there were terrible side effects. The doctor was told that zoloft had worked well without side effects, but he insisted on paxil. So, instead of changing over, the doctor presribed 3 other drugs for the side effects of paxil. I assumed the doctor was getting something out of this. Why insist on staying with a medication that has so many side effects? Maybe the law will prevent this sort of thing...

I don't think the effect of this legislation will have much of an effect on jobs of pharma reps. The biggest issue for drug reps is LOE.

And stop trying to blame Obama and "liberals" for your problems. If you lose your job, it will be due to multiple factors.

By the way, why doesn't this law apply to banks, lobbyists, the Federal Reserve, Unions or even terrorists and illegals? Why?

The reason this is required for the pharma industry is because the government (both federal and state) are by far the biggest payers. The pharma industry is trying to be proactive and legislate itself before the government comes in and dictates its own terms. I don't like it but this is why.

All this law does is require that gifts to physicians be reported. Americans don't want doctors to be bribed to prescribe drugs.

And stop trying to blame Obama and "liberals" for your problems. If you lose your job, it will be due to multiple factors.

We don't want our politicians or regulators or Union leaders or bankers or mortgage brokers or corporate CEOs or non profit volunteers or judges being bribed either. Let's get a sunshine act for them.

And Obama and his buddies have prolonged and worsened this nation's misery so they get blamed for a great many problems and number one on the list is the loss of millions of jobs, a third war, inept energy policy, incompetent foreign policy, failure in the Middle East, tyrannical healthcare legislation and a fat bottom wife trying to tell people how to eat.

And that's number one on the list.

The reason this is required for the pharma industry is because the government (both federal and state) are by far the biggest payers. The pharma industry is trying to be proactive and legislate itself before the government comes in and dictates its own terms. I don't like it but this is why.

I know why we bend over and grab our ankles. I just don't like how it feels.

If government dictates, they are dictators. Thanks Obama.

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