Sun Pharma is s Micro Management Hell


And the reason is do to the fact that there are more personnel than needed. It's like factory of people trying to build three shoes.

Our products are all mediocre or have reached their maximum sales level. Sun Pharma is a place where they look to bleed those extra drops out of every drug ti the point where the put too many resources tinthat cause and lose money.

Sun Pharma is also a place where the accountants balance sheet is all that matters. If it looks good in acquisition and activity to progress that's ok. They will the hide the negative side. It's all about looking busy for their US venture.

So you get micro managed massively. Constantly needled over ever little thing.

So unless you are in dire straights. STAY FAR AWAY from this Establishment.

It does stink waking up everyday not happy and striving to be somewhere else. I am working on it.

Thy sold this a different way. Be cautious when interviewing
Yes that's true - they said that it's going to be a great culture - Sad fact is that the True Color of Leadership is not what I expected it to be - a number of Account Managers are struggling - instead of helping them out - they are being pushed out by being put on plans - micromanaged to the max - Managers requiring busy work - pushing to sell Bromsite unethically - inducing local Pharmacies with more business to stock up and drive sales.
Whistleblower lawsuit is inevitable.