Sun management is a joke


Q) How many Sun Ilumya managers does it take to change a broken light bulb?
A) None. They will keep telling you the light isn’t broken and to stop complaining that you can’t see what your doing!

Q) How many Sun Ilumya managers does it take to change a broken light bulb?
A) None. They will keep telling you the light isn’t broken and to stop complaining that you can’t see what your doing!

And they'll never be able to hire an electrician due to their inability to pay outside vendors in a timely fashion. I had two contractors quit over consistently late payments.

And they'll never be able to hire an electrician due to their inability to pay outside vendors in a timely fashion. I had two contractors quit over consistently late payments.
I have warned potential vendors to Sun to factor in a significant delay in being paid, the risk of not being paid, as well as having your price negotiated by someone other than the true user of their services. So they factor all that in and submit higher proposals.
Seems to be working ok.