SUN: another product recall - glass shards in vials


check out the FDA website, it’s there.

I don’t know how these people sleep at night. Or why they still have jobs.

A dozen products recalls, two major, extended manufacturing shutdowns by FDA, insider trading settlements, coverage of Sun’s price collusion charges on 60 Minutes and an epic failed launch of Ilumya.

Then there’s the little things like a worthless HUB, having to shut down sampling/expired state licenses and on and on.

How in the world could SO many things be wrong ?


check out the FDA website, it’s there.

I don’t know how these people sleep at night. Or why they still have jobs.

A dozen products recalls, two major, extended manufacturing shutdowns by FDA, insider trading settlements, coverage of Sun’s price collusion charges on 60 Minutes and an epic failed launch of Ilumya.

Then there’s the little things like a worthless HUB, having to shut down sampling/expired state licenses and on and on.

How in the world could SO many things be wrong ?

Not shocking.

check out the FDA website, it’s there.

I don’t know how these people sleep at night. Or why they still have jobs.

A dozen products recalls, two major, extended manufacturing shutdowns by FDA, insider trading settlements, coverage of Sun’s price collusion charges on 60 Minutes and an epic failed launch of Ilumya.

Then there’s the little things like a worthless HUB, having to shut down sampling/expired state licenses and on and on.

How in the world could SO many things be wrong ?

That recall is old news. You’re retarded

That recall is old news. You’re retarded

1. Don’t ever use that word you douchebag.

2. Who’s the stupid ass ? Answer: the one who works for SUN (you).

3. You’re sounding like the CEO “Oh, that insider trading thing was a couple of years ago, don’t worry about it, it was a long time ago” and just because the glass shrouds in the vials of a SUN IV med was earlier this year, you’re excusing it because it didn’t happen today. Your excuse is as fucked up as Ahbays.

check out the FDA website, it’s there.

I don’t know how these people sleep at night. Or why they still have jobs.

A dozen products recalls, two major, extended manufacturing shutdowns by FDA, insider trading settlements, coverage of Sun’s price collusion charges on 60 Minutes and an epic failed launch of Ilumya.

Then there’s the little things like a worthless HUB, having to shut down sampling/expired state licenses and on and on.

How in the world could SO many things be wrong ?

Passive aggressive leadership is what is wrong here.
"Don't worry about what we did, let's move on".

The problem is that you cannot move on when problems are still happening and there is no leadership to direct you out of it.

Passive aggressive leadership is what is wrong here.
"Don't worry about what we did, let's move on".

The problem is that you cannot move on when problems are still happening and there is no leadership to direct you out of it.

These are past issues that have been addressed. Strict cGMP standards are adhered to. Please find something more constructive to do with your time. Many thanks.

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That enough fuck tard?????

These are past issues that have been addressed. Strict cGMP standards are adhered to. Please find something more constructive to do with your time. Many thanks.

There’s a systemic quality issue at Sun. Way too many product recalls, FDA-mandated site shutdowns.
And then the ‘it happened in the past’ mentality. EVERYTHING that has ever happened was in the past! Duh! So if it doesn’t benefit Sun, it never happened.

We hardly have any glass in the vials anymore. I mean the glass is clear so it’s super hard to find. I don’t know how the other companies cannot have it. It’s really impossible for there not to be any glass. It’s totally unfair for the US to constantly target Sun.

We hardly have any glass in the vials anymore. I mean the glass is clear so it’s super hard to find. I don’t know how the other companies cannot have it. It’s really impossible for there not to be any glass. It’s totally unfair for the US to constantly target Sun.

I totally agree with you.
All these product recalls, shareholder investigations, sketchy loans, insider-trading settlements, the 42 States that have charged Sun with price collusion, FDA-mandates plant shutdowns, glass found in product (darn, we got caught again!).
I mean this only happens because we have an unfair target on our backs!

I totally agree with you.
All these product recalls, shareholder investigations, sketchy loans, insider-trading settlements, the 42 States that have charged Sun & Taro with price collusion, FDA-mandates plant shutdowns, glass found in product (darn, we got caught again!).
I mean this only happens because we have an unfair target on our backs!

You forgot to add licensing issues, crooks in executive positions, DOJ criminal and civil price collusion investigation, Dusa whistleblower case, SEBI investigation...

Anything else?

These are past events. You all act like these allegations are true. But they are just that - allegations. The past to success is the way forward.
The "past" events are still happening and are not being addressed.

They are more than just "allegations", and they shouldn't have happened in the first place if you had effective leadership in place. People are concerned that they will happen again.

Your culture likes to avoid conflict, but that is not how it is done here. You need to call a company wide meeting and let people know how you will stop these problems in the future.
Step up and be leaders...