Summer Gossip Time! Share your best gossip on BMS Sales "Leaders"!


Do what you do best. Share some 'good' gossip on our hedonistic sales leaders and home office along with those pseudo-self effacing Christians, etc.?

Let's bring their many 'sins' out into open air and white light! Its with good, cathartic and if your inclined, benign reconciliation intent.

What have they done in the past or today that warrants a long overdue shout out worthy of BMS recognition?!


RL team members - e.g.) Y,C, part of a group known to chronically harass, intimidate and diminish targeted yet highly qualified sales professionals that are being retaliated against for something they spoke up about counter to their liking. A designed 'process' to wear down, marginalize and isolate. Totally unethical, immoral and counter to Bristol-Myers Squibb ethical standards of conduct. Yet, it goes on every year and legal does nothing to protect the attacked.

Do what you do best. Share some 'good' gossip on our hedonistic sales leaders and home office along with those pseudo-self effacing Christians, etc.?

Let's bring their many 'sins' out into open air and white light! Its with good, cathartic and if your inclined, benign reconciliation intent.

What have they done in the past or today that warrants a long overdue shout out worthy of BMS recognition?!

Marty in Oncology brings in his old next door neighbor, Daniel H - the Christian to get us through this Crisis.

The guy is a total used car-salesman with his fire and brimstone bull$hit!

The funny part is the managers that buy into and spend our money on life-planning.

Gird yer loins boyz and girlz in Oncology with this buffoon!


So, we SCREAM OUT the obvious. It's so sickeningly politically correct.
AND they ADD "of any kind". Well that covers it all.

I can tell you of many"inequality" moves by people in sales management today that were underhanded, deceptive and conniving. So, you might say they were brilliant business moves against typically WHITE, heterosexual, etc, etc. people. Many of us call it "reverse racism", somewhat sophisticated forms of violence against an employee that is trying to do their job and absolutely discrimination. So, the company can have as many meetings on integrity (why do you need them?) and plaster this corporate propaganda all over the earth. It does not change the reality many employees live "under" these very forms of behavior with no recourse.

You see, these things, these dirty business behaviors are BLIND. They move in all different directions against all types of people when they occur by unethical, immoral people in MANAGEMENT.

Reminds us of a few decent, no bullshit Integrity quotes,

I am Adam and to me, Integrity is doing what is right regardless of the circumstance or situation. Adam Dubow Senior Vice President, Chief Compliance & Ethics Officer

I am Kathryn, and to me, Integrity is about being able to talk about BMS and never being embarrassed or ashamed about what we have to say.
Kathryn Metcalfe Executive Vice President, Corporate Affairs

Holy crap M!%e, if the cat was out of the bag you'd be unrecognizable toast.

Reminds us of a few decent, no bullshit Integrity quotes,

I am Adam and to me, Integrity is doing what is right regardless of the circumstance or situation. Adam Dubow Senior Vice President, Chief Compliance & Ethics Officer

I am Kathryn, and to me, Integrity is about being able to talk about BMS and never being embarrassed or ashamed about what we have to say.
Kathryn Metcalfe Executive Vice President, Corporate Affairs

Holy crap M!%e, if the cat was out of the bag you'd be unrecognizable toast.

Integrity is doing what is right regardless of the circumstance or situation.

Did you hear the one about the a((@1r that never saw real, negative consequence? Only thing was to move the participants like the Church moved(s) Priests? Now there's a solution. High low integrity here at BMS.

Do as I SAY, Not as I DO.

Did you hear the one about the a((@1r that never saw real, negative consequence? Only thing was to move the participants like the Church moved(s) Priests? Now there's a solution. High low integrity here at BMS.

Do as I SAY, Not as I DO.

Yep, lmao- do as I SAY, not as I DO. That's sales leadership's integrity motto.

Liked, "It does not change the reality many employees live "under" these very forms of behavior with no recourse."

I'd add, no tangible, truly safe means at recourse while working here at good 'ol BMS.

IF you are targeted at BMS, you are 'done'. Kinda like that with any group of hominids.

So, scrap the bullshit INTEGRITY Campaign as "leadership" only digs deeper into their adaptive repertoire of tactics to take people out. And, there are no HEROS to save you at BMS. That's my motto here.

Marty in Oncology brings in his old next door neighbor, Daniel H - the Christian to get us through this Crisis.

The guy is a total used car-salesman with his fire and brimstone bull$hit!

The funny part is the managers that buy into and spend our money on life-planning.

Gird yer loins boyz and girlz in Oncology with this buffoon!

OMG !!! You were not joking!! This guy is a carnival barker. It is nice to see how well BMS takes care of their buddies.