Suits ALWAYS required in field? Or is that old school?


Are reps always in a biz suit? Females too?
I’m sure in cities like NYC and Chicago, full suits are more the norm. But, what about Pfizer reps in rural or casual towns?
Do they say to wear a suit but some reps wear biz appropriate instead?

I see Pfizer reps in biz casual sometimes. Others I always see in full suits, taking themselves very seriously it appears, even in 80-90 degree summers. Curious what the deal is across the country.

Some docs see the rep-in-a-suit as stuffy and are turned off by it in my territory. They asked me if Pfizer reps are forced to be in suits.

Let the comments roll in.....


Our docs wear jeans not ties, but still take patient care seriously. are the business suit Pfizer reps in casual regions just trying to feel extra important? They aren’t taken more seriously by most of our offices...some staff/docs actually laugh at them as “robots in suits.“ But I’m in a casual, suburban town... So no offense to those in cities where suits are more the norm.

###Does your company tell ALL reps that you have to wear a suit every day?### Or is it upto the rep? That is what we want to know...

Official company policy is the dark business suit every day. The reality is regional,it depends. I see very few suits out west. It’s more business casual. Pretty much slacks , dress shirt and tie. On very hot spells, like over 100 for a few days it’s cotton slacks and a polo.
The problem with one dress standard is that it’s coming from NYC. They think the whole country is or wants to be like them. Myopic a holes. Dress one step above your customer. If reps are the only ones in town, not in court, wearing suits then they are over dressed.

Official company policy is the dark business suit every day. The reality is regional,it depends. I see very few suits out west. It’s more business casual. Pretty much slacks , dress shirt and tie. On very hot spells, like over 100 for a few days it’s cotton slacks and a polo.
The problem with one dress standard is that it’s coming from NYC. They think the whole country is or wants to be like them. Myopic a holes. Dress one step above your customer. If reps are the only ones in town, not in court, wearing suits then they are over dressed.

Work in S. FL. I had a Manager once that would ding us on w/w if you didn't wear a coat everyday even in the very humid summers. MDs would ask us what in the hell are we doing in full suit w/ 98% humidity and 100' outside? So we told them if we don't wear a jacket w/ got negative reviews....they said that was stupid that no one wears a jacket in S. Florida in the summer and we just look foolish. MDs as usual lost respect for PFE Management so in actuality the negative review came from the MD who we were trying to influence but the power hungry DM kept doing the same thing....Said we looked Professional. We were literally the only people w/ coats on in the summer.... we looked like Jehovah Witnesses running around everyone knew the PFE people.

Work in S. FL. I had a Manager once that would ding us on w/w if you didn't wear a coat everyday even in the very humid summers. MDs would ask us what in the hell are we doing in full suit w/ 98% humidity and 100' outside? So we told them if we don't wear a jacket w/ got negative reviews....they said that was stupid that no one wears a jacket in S. Florida in the summer and we just look foolish. MDs as usual lost respect for PFE Management so in actuality the negative review came from the MD who we were trying to influence but the power hungry DM kept doing the same thing....Said we looked Professional. We were literally the only people w/ coats on in the summer.... we looked like Jehovah Witnesses running around everyone knew the PFE people.

That’s exactly what they want. In the cities, I wear a suit for formal presentations, business casual, coat,dress shirt, slacks no tie most days.
On ride alongs, back to suit to keep the manager....a fat slob...happy.

Are reps always in a biz suit? Females too?
I’m sure in cities like NYC and Chicago, full suits are more the norm. But, what about Pfizer reps in rural or casual towns?
Do they say to wear a suit but some reps wear biz appropriate instead?

I see Pfizer reps in biz casual sometimes. Others I always see in full suits, taking themselves very seriously it appears, even in 80-90 degree summers. Curious what the deal is across the country.

Some docs see the rep-in-a-suit as stuffy and are turned off by it in my territory. They asked me if Pfizer reps are forced to be in suits.

Let the comments roll in.....

First, it’s old school.

Second, talk to your manager.

Have you ever been told what you must wear everyday by anyone? 20 years ago you were told. Not so much anymore.

Use common sense. Watch out for some of your old school counterparts. They’re the biggest issue you’ll have.

Common sense means dressing to your customer. Sometimes its biz casual. Sometimes low key sportcoat. Suits are for conventions and maybe programs if its a more high end place.

Official company policy is the dark business suit every day. The reality is regional,it depends. I see very few suits out west. It’s more business casual. Pretty much slacks , dress shirt and tie. On very hot spells, like over 100 for a few days it’s cotton slacks and a polo.
The problem with one dress standard is that it’s coming from NYC. They think the whole country is or wants to be like them. Myopic a holes. Dress one step above your customer. If reps are the only ones in town, not in court, wearing suits then they are over dressed.

Suits are more professional. That’s why Chic Fil A stands out and is #1 in the industry for Customer Service.

The problem with one dress standard is that it’s coming from NYC.

So true, and this applies across the board for many aspects of PFE. New Yorkers think the rest of the country is or should be like them; the reality is THEY are the outliers.

The problem with one dress standard is that it’s coming from NYC.

So true, and this applies across the board for many aspects of PFE. New Yorkers think the rest of the country is or should be like them; the reality is THEY are the outliers.
East Coast people are idiots. Live like prisoners, but pay high dollar to do so.