SUCKS new lilly bonus program


The new Lilly bonus program issimply a cut in pay. From 75 to 35% of bonus is now sales results. Wow now the reps that suck in selling but leave voicemails and kiss customers ass will make more than reps that actually sell.

What % of reps will make the higher rating 5 to 8k end of year subjective manager decision company bonus? Not many!

Check your yearly bonus on your 2011 Dec pay stub. I am sure 2012 Dec yearly bonus will be lower this year and much lower in 2013

They should just tell it the way it is. The new bonus program is nothing but a cut in pay.

The new Lilly bonus program issimply a cut in pay. From 75 to 35% of bonus is now sales results. Wow now the reps that suck in selling but leave voicemails and kiss customers ass will make more than reps that actually sell.

What % of reps will make the higher rating 5 to 8k end of year subjective manager decision company bonus? Not many!

Check your yearly bonus on your 2011 Dec pay stub. I am sure 2012 Dec yearly bonus will be lower this year and much lower in 2013

They should just tell it the way it is. The new bonus program is nothing but a cut in pay.

Hey stupid...

You do realize that we are in a major patent crunch right now. You should be happy you still have a job and quit complaining about your bonus. If you think you can do better elsewhere you should leave.

Hey stupid...

You do realize that we are in a major patent crunch right now. You should be happy you still have a job and quit complaining about your bonus. If you think you can do better elsewhere you should leave.

Hey, Mr. Wingnut.... I didn't ask for your advise, and I certainly don't need it. Why not just shut up and sit down. "major patent crunch"... wow. What an original concept. Can you think of a more trite phrase? How about something along the lines of "nuts and bolts" or "rubber meets the road"? When you have an original thought, please raise your hand and we will call on you. Until then, STFU

I am happy to have job so company should just call it what it is. A PAY CUT. They told us no meri at our meetings increase so why can't they just call this what it really is minus smoke and mirrors.

What is best part was listening to the reps that help w project that created this PAYCUT. They were selling the field sales force how great it was. If is was that damn good why woul we need reps on video trying to tell us how great it is.

Lilly is usually pretty transparent with reason why they take action to reduce cost. This is sad day

I am happy to have job so company should just call it what it is. A PAY CUT. They told us no meri at our meetings increase so why can't they just call this what it really is minus smoke and mirrors.

What is best part was listening to the reps that help w project that created this PAYCUT. They were selling the field sales force how great it was. If is was that damn good why woul we need reps on video trying to tell us how great it is.

Lilly is usually pretty transparent with reason why they take action to reduce cost. This is sad day

They want you to quit. Don't be so silly. They are toying with your emotions.

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