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Such a dirty leadership team....


Lets see today get announcement that guy is leaving to become CEO of contract company.....Let me guess they will contract with Pfizer he will get rich and Ian and others will sit on company's board of directors.

Wouldn't be a surprise. This is how it works.

Everyone at the top of these Top 100 companies sits on multiple corporate Boards. Thats how and why they approve massive CEO and COO salary + bennie packages, and mammoth golden parachutes for when these folks don't work out.

Old story. Nothing new here.

and it will never change. Many people who sit on people's boards came from Political Backgrounds and of course are all connected to Congress.
Occupy Wallstreet people are going after the wrong crowd.

1% exists because of the protection of Congress who benefits from 1% lining their pockets

Before you attack me on being anti-capitalist, I am not. I truly believe in Capitalism. However, I don't believe in Political Cronism and the corruption that takes place between business and the people who are suppose to be representing the people.

Corporations aren't People. People may work for a corporation, but corporations have agendas to do everything possible to take care of the Top Leaders and their stock holders. Using the workers as the pawns to get them there. Which is fine if the employees are protected. In this day and time, they are not protected.

It's Capitalism with Rabies.

Our Politicians as a group, do not listen or represent "We the People" anymore.
How often have your written your local Congressman and only get a form letter in response or No letter, at all. However, if you were CEO of a large corporation in need after making a hefty donation to their re-election, they would quickly respond. We the People have no representation anymore. Only the Money Changers.

RP seems to be the only one but nobody takes him seriously. Why? Because he isn't represented by the 1%.

Take a Closer Look and open your eyes.

Lets see today get announcement that guy is leaving to become CEO of contract company.....Let me guess they will contract with Pfizer he will get rich and Ian and others will sit on company's board of directors.

Let me guess? You are in sales. You start your job at 8am by reading cafe pharma. You then ponder how many calls you think you can make for the day? It is now 10am and you should at least make an effort to get in your company paid for car. Drive around a bit. Ok, drive around a bit more before calling on a customer. Whew, that was exhausting! Waiting in the waiting room for an hour to see one customer...did I say one customer, I meant that I saw ten docs in one office, yeah, that's what I was saying. Good progress, I think I will call it a day.