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Stu's report card


CIO's don't change cultures - they are usually the red headed step child of the c-suite. Yeah he can tweak this and tweak that but in a company the size of ours don't get your hopes up too high and don't expect too much. We still have way too many incompetent "leaders" and the ITLT is a joke, but the guy can't fire everybody. The thing about J&J is that the credo and the culture will limit what any one person can do.

According to Stu's town hall presentation, IT's scores on the Credo are up in all categories compared to the last credo survey. I guess LC deserves credit for that, correct?

It is too early to say. However, there is one bright spot. He at least takes time to observe (and hopeful draw right conclusions) about where we have been the past few years and what it might take to bring us back from the brink of destruction.