


Talk about priceless!

You were turned in by your own friend. That’s rich! I never trusted her anyway, always kept my guard up. I warned the other rep before i left about her. Heard they were thrown under the bus as well, by her, to take the territory she wanted. You gave it to her, then she flips the table on you Dianne!

Revenge is a platter best served cold. Refreshing to hear you can no longer interfere with people’s career.

Wishing you the absolute best!!

“I was so drunk, there was this little Mexican bartender there, he said “I’m sorry you are done for the night” I looked at him and said “ Donald Trump is going to be are president and when he is you are gone!” Said in the presence of the Area Director. He laughed
I was not there I heard this story from someone who was. Questioned another coworker and they said yes she (not Dianne) said that and the Area Director laughed.

Stumpy wasn’t looking for a rich husband....
The other 50 year old blonde was......
Stumpy is mid 50’s now....selling lab work competing with people half her age