Stuart- you seem like a smart guy, make changes in HCV quick.


Really feeling good about things after hearing Dan and Pamela at the sales meeting. Pfizer know how. Yeah, that's what I was looking for when I joined Vertex. Pamela trying to present anything on stage is like watching a slow mo car wreck. Can she sound more unsure of herself? Just reeks of primary care stupidity. Never thought I'd care but I actually miss Paul D. And Dan power of six? You seem like a nice guy but please get a clue. An entire day of that crap is a bigger waste of time then a field visit from James.

Really feeling good about things after hearing Dan and Pamela at the sales meeting. Pfizer know how. Yeah, that's what I was looking for when I joined Vertex. Pamela trying to present anything on stage is like watching a slow mo car wreck. Can she sound more unsure of herself? Just reeks of primary care stupidity. Never thought I'd care but I actually miss Paul D. And Dan power of six? You seem like a nice guy but please get a clue. An entire day of that crap is a bigger waste of time then a field visit from James.

A waste of time?!?! Tell me why reps have to ride with Regional managers from other areas?!? What the hell is that all about? I thought we were trying to save on expenses....seems like a waste for the manager as well. Who's bright idea was this????? I heard it was only the east too!!!! WTF?

A waste of time?!?! Tell me why reps have to ride with Regional managers from other areas?!? What the hell is that all about? I thought we were trying to save on expenses....seems like a waste for the manager as well. Who's bright idea was this????? I heard it was only the east too!!!! WTF?

They have nothing better to do so might as well go out into the field to watch patient starts dry up until they are gone in the summer

Stock options? With our new pfizer leadership HCV will add nothing to price. Pamela is in way over her head, Dan thinks we are selling Viagra and Henderson is an idiot. Maybe CF data will be worth something