Stu has got to go...Integra sale or merger?


When will the Integra BOD act w/ a set of cajones? Essig has done a great job getting the company to where it is, but now his policies are tearing it apart. He needs to go, the company needs to get bought or merge.

Look at all the venom on the boards regarding Integra. Nothing positive. Granted that is the nature of these things, so reps and managers can piss and moan, but it does not mean the comments are without merit. THIS COMPANY HAS A HORRIBLE LEADER. The managers I think are as good as any in the business, and the reps are incredible given what they are paid. It starts with the CEO and his "lean" style. I guess that is what you get when you have an M&A guy who has never carried a bag running a sales focused company.

Great job Stu getting the company to this point, but it is time for you to step down and let people who are more focused on motivating, developing, and retaining employees for the betterment of the company's bottom line, as opposed to squeezing the passion out of them for 2-3 years and discarding them. Do the honorable thing...

This company is going down hill fast. All the great reps leave and the shitty ones stay. Its a FACT at Integra. The mgmt is sub par and the leaders are all clueless. Even the marketing and product managers leave on a weekly (not monthly I need to remind) - but weekly basis. The leaders of the sales team in recon are borderline brain dead and Neuro is all ex-Pharma guys! Commmmmmme ON pleasssssssse! Stu does need to sell - and sell fast before the entire company quits on him.