Stryker surgical

Yes. Yes you are on your way out. It’s sucks, but that’s Stryker. They are simply the worst company you can work for.

So my question to you would be…why do you even care? Go get another job. There are hundreds if not thousands of companies in Med Device.

Thanks for reply. So I’m doomed. Great. I always heard Stryker was the best company. I guess not.

Thanks for reply. So I’m doomed. Great. I always heard Stryker was the best company. I guess not.

Not trying to be an ass. Just being honest.

Been there, done that with the whole Stryker BS. Was able to leave on my own for a better opportunity. The grass is almost always greener when you leave that company. Be strategic with your DD and you’ll find something better, no problem. The Stryker indoctrination cult wants you to think that they’re the best it can get…but they’re not. Not by a long shot. Good luck.

First year, I won president’s club. Then Covid and I didn’t hit quota for 2020 and I’m behind for 2021. Manager has me on a plan. I feel like my time has come to an end.

First year, I won president’s club. Then Covid and I didn’t hit quota for 2020 and I’m behind for 2021. Manager has me on a plan. I feel like my time has come to an end.

Sounds about right. I’m sure in the beginning it was all a bunch of “We’re a family blah blah blah…” right? All a bunch of bs.

Stryker is 100% about performance. That’s it. Even if the goals are absolutely unattainable. Like, for instance, making quota in a year where elective surgeries are canceled for half the year or more.

Your RM doesn’t care about you. HR doesn’t care about you. You are nothing but a number to that company. That’s just real talk.

Sounds about right. I’m sure in the beginning it was all a bunch of “We’re a family blah blah blah…” right? All a bunch of bs.

Stryker is 100% about performance. That’s it. Even if the goals are absolutely unattainable. Like, for instance, making quota in a year where elective surgeries are canceled for half the year or more.

Your RM doesn’t care about you. HR doesn’t care about you. You are nothing but a number to that company. That’s just real talk.

Sounds about right. I’m sure in the beginning it was all a bunch of “We’re a family blah blah blah…” right? All a bunch of bs.

Stryker is 100% about performance. That’s it. Even if the goals are absolutely unattainable. Like, for instance, making quota in a year where elective surgeries are canceled for half the year or more.

Your RM doesn’t care about you. HR doesn’t care about you. You are nothing but a number to that company. That’s just real talk.

LOL family! Tried to feed me that exact same trash.

I have an opportunity with Stryker (joint replacement) and with Medtronic (pain division). Which would be a better opportunity? Career trajectory is important to me.

The only reason work at stryker is to tell people you work at stryker. When you sign your offer letter you are mandated to live in your scrubs with the stryker logo. God forbid you go through an airport without them on... instantly fired.

It’s a weird comment bc it’s true!
There are Much Better places to work these days

Confusing comment, but true statement in that Stryker is middle of the pack as far as healthcare companies go.

One can make as much, or more, with a hundred other companies with literally a fraction of the pressure, stress and cultish indoctrination policies