Stryker buying S/N?


Has anyone heard about this? Any truth? That would be one of the largest acquisitions ever and would solve all of their missing pieces and could possibly dominate the market. I think S/N personally has great stuff, just worried about making a move and the wheels coming off after I do. Stryker has good products as well but the grow 20% each year shit gets really old and not realistic. Thx for your thoughts in advance.

S&N is so poorly managed it's ripe for a takeout deal. The current so-called leaders are completely clueless Stryker could let them all go and put their own people in charge and not miss a beat. These facts back up your suspicion.

Agree. Why buy a company like Smith & Nephew bleeding sales and market share with no plan for the future? If you do their problems become your problems. Mako is a risky purchase but if there is any substance to their technology Stryker will squeeze the most out of it.