Struggling with Alzheimer's launch, Biogen couldn't present 'clear case for growth' outside of Aduhe


Using available lists so might have missed something.


Adu -lots of press. Asterisk on approval as accelerated based on biomarker. Ncd incoming.
Tysabri, Interferon – Sales flat to down
Tec/Vumerity – Tec Going off patent cliff. Sales low (Vumerity) or down in sum.
Spinraza - Flat
Fampyra - almost not worth a line here.
Rituxan Royalties – Flat to down
Biosimilars (including ones not approved) – Byo-oviz for Lucentis, SB15 (EYLEA), Etanercept, infliximab, Adalimumab.

Pipeline Phase 2 and Later

BIIB067 (tofersen) for SOD1 ALS – Marginal data to date in small ALS SOD1 market but no therapeutics available.
BIIB093 (IV glibenclamide) – Stroke/Brain contusion. Approved for other indication already.
BIIB111 (timrepigene emparvovec) – Gene therapy with bad data in last readout.
BAN2401 (Aβ mAb) – Adu v?
Dapirolizumab pegol (anti-CD40L) - Lupus
BIIB059 (anti-BDCA2) - Lupus
BIIB074 (vixotrigine)- Trigeminal neuralgia/Small fiber neuropathy Acquired in 2015.
BIIB092 (gosuranemab) – Alz. Bad Readout Summer 2021.
BIIB104 (AMPA)-Cognitive impairment associated with schizophrenia (CIAS)
BIIB112 (NSR-RPGR)- X-linked retinitis pigmentosa (XLRP). Bad data in last readout
TMS-007 (plasminogen modulator) – Stroke
Zuranolone – Deal with Sage. Street reaction was flat to last readout.
Sage324- high adverse event and discontinuation in clinical trial

Scratch the biosimilars.

Scratch any hope on tec patent. As if anyone with a brain had any hope to begin with.

Scratch gene therapy indications.

Add more data to marginal comment on tofersen.

Take adu down further. Ncd made and no longer incoming.

That pipeline is looking MARVEEEEEELOOOOUS.

Where is Chirfi? In hiding with the peer reviewed Aduhoax article?

Maybe we can hear from Chirfi and Ginger on Tuesday.

I'd like to hear how the flood of people hitting the exits is a vote of confidence in leadership and a well executed HR strategy. To be clear, the flood is biblical already.

Actually, can an analyst just ask the leadership team to name things they have actually done well in the last 5 years. The true answer would be crickets.

Braced for this week.

It 100% won't be this week. They have to do the completely bogus awards for appearances this week. Anyone that is even mentioned in the Aduhelm division is a complete joke and will do nothing but raise anger amongst everyone else. I guess they have to pass out awards before canning everyone.

It 100% won't be this week. They have to do the completely bogus awards for appearances this week. Anyone that is even mentioned in the Aduhelm division is a complete joke and will do nothing but raise anger amongst everyone else. I guess they have to pass out awards before canning everyone.

Just another week in paradise, I guess. But maybe they own up to something. Nah, probably not. Best to see how long the lie lasts.

Awards. Joke. Just like the “leadership” here. Awarding people that don’t deserve it. The biogen way. Just as fake as the pre-planned analysis and as accurate as the clinical efficacy of the drug.

It 100% won't be this week. They have to do the completely bogus awards for appearances this week. Anyone that is even mentioned in the Aduhelm division is a complete joke and will do nothing but raise anger amongst everyone else. I guess they have to pass out awards before canning everyone.

Good bye Avanir scum !

Awards. Joke. Just like the “leadership” here. Awarding people that don’t deserve it. The biogen way. Just as fake as the pre-planned analysis and as accurate as the clinical efficacy of the drug.

Gee, I’m really hoping that more marketing and other home office people get more awards. They have just done SO much. Barf.


Tysabri, Interferon – Old. Older.
Tec/Vumerity – Tec dead below patent cliff. Vumerity sales relatively low.
Spinraza - Flat
Fampyra - Why
Rituxan Royalties – Flat
Biosimilars (including ones not approved) – Byo-oviz for Lucentis, SB15 (EYLEA), Etanercept, infliximab, Adalimumab. Sordof sold (to follow the theme) to Samsung as a business.

Approved Sordof

Adu - NCD incoming.

Doesn't work (at least well) per data but no matter

BIIB067 (tofersen) for SOD1 ALS
BAN2401 (Aβ mAb) – Adu part deux
Zuranolone – with Sage

Later Phase

BIIB093 (IV glibenclamide) – Stroke/Brain contusion.
Dapirolizumab pegol (anti-CD40L) - Lupus
BIIB059 (anti-BDCA2) - Lupus
BIIB074 (vixotrigine)- Trigeminal neuralgia/Small fiber neuropathy.
BIIB104 (AMPA)-Cognitive impairment associated with schizophrenia
TMS-007 (plasminogen modulator) – Stroke


BIIB111 (timrepigene emparvovec)
BIIB092 (gosuranemab)

Find the growth. Go.


Tysabri, Interferon – Old. Older.
Tec/Vumerity – Tec dead below patent cliff. Vumerity sales relatively low.
Spinraza - Flat
Fampyra - Why
Rituxan Royalties – Flat
Biosimilars (including ones not approved) – Byo-oviz for Lucentis, SB15 (EYLEA), Etanercept, infliximab, Adalimumab. Sordof sold (to follow the theme) to Samsung as a business.

Un-Approved Sordof

Adu - NCD in

Doesn't work (at least well) per data but no matter

BIIB067 (tofersen) for SOD1 ALS
BAN2401 (Aβ mAb) – Adu part deux
Zuranolone – with Sage

Later Phase

BIIB093 (IV glibenclamide) – Stroke/Brain contusion.
Dapirolizumab pegol (anti-CD40L) - Lupus
BIIB059 (anti-BDCA2) - Lupus
BIIB074 (vixotrigine)- Trigeminal neuralgia/Small fiber neuropathy.
BIIB104 (AMPA)-Cognitive impairment associated with schizophrenia
TMS-007 (plasminogen modulator) – Stroke