Storage Sheds Coming

Time to get rid of the dead weight CSR's who always whine about being behind all the time but yet seem to have plenty of time to hang out with family visitors or on the phone.

Of course it goes without saying not all CSR's are in this group.

Let's hope it is a smoother start than the other "ideas" of Rotech has done to streamline into the next century.

If they just focused on treating their employees better across the board, Rotech would grow even more.

Does this mean that the CSR's are going to be let go since they are starting this thing in Charlotte or does this mean that locations are only going to get 1 CSR ? I am a CSR and our location is "going live" next week. I really have no idea what in the world I am going to be doing when this thing gets started and every time I ask my LCM, she says "oh you'll have plenty to do" very nonchalantly. Our location is already show as molasses to being with!

I can hear it of the few referral sources left calling Rotech will hear a southern accent answering their call. That accent will try it's best to avoid answering where this call ended up relative to the locality of the perspective new patient.
But I'm sure management will roll out just how much of an advantage this system "really is" beforehand to referral sources first..........
Yep.......That's the ticket!

Does this mean that the CSR's are going to be let go since they are starting this thing in Charlotte or does this mean that locations are only going to get 1 CSR ? I am a CSR and our location is "going live" next week. I really have no idea what in the world I am going to be doing when this thing gets started and every time I ask my LCM, she says "oh you'll have plenty to do" very nonchalantly. Our location is already show as molasses to being with!

Be happy you are not digging ditches for that paycheck and your workload will be changing (prob not for the better) unlike the PST's who will now need to deal with the call center from NC when they are on call. Let's hope they get the area of service correct. Remember the first weeks of the After Hours Call'll be coming to a location near you.

Does this mean that the CSR's are going to be let go since they are starting this thing in Charlotte or does this mean that locations are only going to get 1 CSR ? I am a CSR and our location is "going live" next week. I really have no idea what in the world I am going to be doing when this thing gets started and every time I ask my LCM, she says "oh you'll have plenty to do" very nonchalantly. Our location is already show as molasses to being with!

I think it is rather apparent given history what CSR's time will be spent on.
GRIDS, GRIDS, and more grids. Use them to put out meds, pox's, dme. Revisit same grids later for opportunities. Reports on results of the grids. Reports on your inaccurate estimates of grid results.
You get the drift.........The same things that made Rotech strong in the 1st place.

I can hear it of the few referral sources left calling Rotech will hear a southern accent answering their call. That accent will try it's best to avoid answering where this call ended up relative to the locality of the perspective new patient.
But I'm sure management will roll out just how much of an advantage this system "really is" beforehand to referral sources first..........
Yep.......That's the ticket!

You can see/hear it all happening now, just like you have said.

If Rotech really wants the new idea to take hold and grow, they really should educate their employees who take the calls, about the general towns they will be serving. If they are divided into areas.

Does anyone know how the calls will be distributed once they get to the call center?

The referral sources and patient's would benefit from a set number of employees taking their calls for their area. Unlike other call centers when you have someone from US/overseas who have no clue about the area they are servicing.

Sounds as if this might turn into a little bit of a bumpy ride for the employees at the location to try and head off issues. You can see the referral sources trying to call the "backlines" into the locations for service. Depending on the phone service at any given location that just may not be an option anymore.

Rotech will ride it out, hope they get it together for the patients and employees left

The call center is just another way of cutting overhead/ FTE's
Part of the restructure agreement requires that.
Get ready for another round of holiday pink slips.
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from your friends at Rotech.

The call center is just another way of cutting overhead/ FTE's
Part of the restructure agreement requires that.
Get ready for another round of holiday pink slips.
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from your friends at Rotech.

So, would that mean cutting LCM's/ AM's? or CSR's /PST's ? or a combination? Also, does anyone think any locations will get the ax?

I can hear it of the few referral sources left calling Rotech will hear a southern accent answering their call. That accent will try it's best to avoid answering where this call ended up relative to the locality of the perspective new patient.
But I'm sure management will roll out just how much of an advantage this system "really is" beforehand to referral sources first..........
Yep.......That's the ticket!

Most referral sources will no longer use rotech with call centers! They have developed relationships with the local employees and that is why they stick with using them. Once everyone is let go and the call centers start running the show, the referral sources will go elsewhere because, after all, Rotech is not the only game in town! How foolish those idiots are to think employees are stupid enough to believe nothing is going on. People will have to be let go at the locations to pay the wages of the call center employees. All these other teams being set up to "help" the locations handle all the work that is expected of them with no staff (set up for failure) there will be nothing to do at the locations (no staff needed)! Wake up folks, while the people in higher positions in the company have secured themselves with a job by foolishly thinking the changes will be a good move, they are slowly, but surely, replacing those at the location level. Location level jobs are going to be eliminated for the most part, without regard to the well-being of those that helped them get where they are. Lets just hope they will be able to sleep at night- they just might need all the rest they can get to "try" and make an attempt to run locations and do all the things very qualified, loyal, and experienced people did for them before they tanked! Meanwhile, some of us will be looking forward to days without all the stress, lies, and BS that gets dished out on a daily basis. Good luck to everyone!

The call center is just another way of cutting overhead/ FTE's
Part of the restructure agreement requires that.
Get ready for another round of holiday pink slips.
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from your friends at Rotech.

Ready! It will be a nice gift! Everything will be ok, most times the best things happen when we are forced into change that we initially thought we did not want. There are much better situations out there, we just need to be made to go look for them!

Most referral sources will no longer use rotech with call centers! They have developed relationships with the local employees and that is why they stick with using them. Once everyone is let go and the call centers start running the show, the referral sources will go elsewhere because, after all, Rotech is not the only game in town! How foolish those idiots are to think employees are stupid enough to believe nothing is going on. People will have to be let go at the locations to pay the wages of the call center employees. All these other teams being set up to "help" the locations handle all the work that is expected of them with no staff (set up for failure) there will be nothing to do at the locations (no staff needed)! Wake up folks, while the people in higher positions in the company have secured themselves with a job by foolishly thinking the changes will be a good move, they are slowly, but surely, replacing those at the location level. Location level jobs are going to be eliminated for the most part, without regard to the well-being of those that helped them get where they are. Lets just hope they will be able to sleep at night- they just might need all the rest they can get to "try" and make an attempt to run locations and do all the things very qualified, loyal, and experienced people did for them before they tanked! Meanwhile, some of us will be looking forward to days without all the stress, lies, and BS that gets dished out on a daily basis. Good luck to everyone!


Most referral sources will no longer use rotech with call centers! They have developed relationships with the local employees and that is why they stick with using them. Once everyone is let go and the call centers start running the show, the referral sources will go elsewhere because, after all, Rotech is not the only game in town! How foolish those idiots are to think employees are stupid enough to believe nothing is going on. People will have to be let go at the locations to pay the wages of the call center employees. All these other teams being set up to "help" the locations handle all the work that is expected of them with no staff (set up for failure) there will be nothing to do at the locations (no staff needed)! Wake up folks, while the people in higher positions in the company have secured themselves with a job by foolishly thinking the changes will be a good move, they are slowly, but surely, replacing those at the location level. Location level jobs are going to be eliminated for the most part, without regard to the well-being of those that helped them get where they are. Lets just hope they will be able to sleep at night- they just might need all the rest they can get to "try" and make an attempt to run locations and do all the things very qualified, loyal, and experienced people did for them before they tanked! Meanwhile, some of us will be looking forward to days without all the stress, lies, and BS that gets dished out on a daily basis. Good luck to everyone!

And what happens when they all go to the local competition?? Not Good. Strip company down, make it look real profitable AND.....Sell it quick!..The merican way.

Most referral sources will no longer use rotech with call centers! They have developed relationships with the local employees and that is why they stick with using them. Once everyone is let go and the call centers start running the show, the referral sources will go elsewhere because, after all, Rotech is not the only game in town! How foolish those idiots are to think employees are stupid enough to believe nothing is going on. People will have to be let go at the locations to pay the wages of the call center employees. All these other teams being set up to "help" the locations handle all the work that is expected of them with no staff (set up for failure) there will be nothing to do at the locations (no staff needed)! Wake up folks, while the people in higher positions in the company have secured themselves with a job by foolishly thinking the changes will be a good move, they are slowly, but surely, replacing those at the location level. Location level jobs are going to be eliminated for the most part, without regard to the well-being of those that helped them get where they are. Lets just hope they will be able to sleep at night- they just might need all the rest they can get to "try" and make an attempt to run locations and do all the things very qualified, loyal, and experienced people did for them before they tanked! Meanwhile, some of us will be looking forward to days without all the stress, lies, and BS that gets dished out on a daily basis. Good luck to everyone!

You are probably closer to the truth than you think. Call centers have staff that need months of training to know what the locations already know. Glad they will be responsible for their own HIA and No Charges. I predict a huge increase in both.