STOP RSM Field Visits During Pandemic


WE HAVE LIMITED PLACES TO GO! Please use common sense. RSM's in the field at the moment is creating an unecessary burden on the sales reps and customer offices. PLEASE UNDERSTAND. You will have your time in the field again in the near future. Now it's a really bad time. I don't know how else to say this. Forcing the issue is creating problems. Please use common sense.

Your RSM is just checking the boxes. Tell them to follow you in their own rental car, so you are not exposed to them in your car. Then when you get to your doctors office, tell them to wait in the rental car.

Problem solved.

WE HAVE LIMITED PLACES TO GO! Please use common sense. RSM's in the field at the moment is creating an unecessary burden on the sales reps and customer offices. PLEASE UNDERSTAND. You will have your time in the field again in the near future. Now it's a really bad time. I don't know how else to say this. Forcing the issue is creating problems. Please use common sense.

WE HAVE LIMITED PLACES TO GO! Please use common sense. RSM's in the field at the moment is creating an unecessary burden on the sales reps and customer offices. PLEASE UNDERSTAND. You will have your time in the field again in the near future. Now it's a really bad time. I don't know how else to say this. Forcing the issue is creating problems. Please use common sense.

Poor snowflakes! Afraid for your manager to see how inept you are in front of docs! You snowflakes need all the coaching you can get! Most of you are an embarrassment to the company the way you fumble around, turn red in the face, and pop beads of sweat on your forehead when talking to a doc. The pace of rides will PICK UP if anything so get used to it!

Poor snowflakes! Afraid for your manager to see how inept you are in front of docs! You snowflakes need all the coaching you can get! Most of you are an embarrassment to the company the way you fumble around, turn red in the face, and pop beads of sweat on your forehead when talking to a doc. The pace of rides will PICK UP if anything so get used to it!

Who calls people “snowflakes?” Grow up, you sound like an idiot or wait maybe it is snowing and you are delusional.

Poor snowflakes! Afraid for your manager to see how inept you are in front of docs! You snowflakes need all the coaching you can get! Most of you are an embarrassment to the company the way you fumble around, turn red in the face, and pop beads of sweat on your forehead when talking to a doc. The pace of rides will PICK UP if anything so get used to it!

Our manager has no idea the amount of stress being created around field rides.

True. Our current “manager” is helping since mine was promoted. I havent dealt with this nonsense in years. He keeps hounding us about joining our virtual calls. Go fly a kite. May not have a job but wins poor manager award having no empathy for his people. I feel for his hospital reps. What a joke. Wake up and no, you are not flying to see me.