Stop Field Rides For Now Please

Current virus is weak and nowhere as dangerous as Delta. There are also people in offices with flu, If you are vaccinated you should be fine even if you contract it. So stop whining and get your ass out of the house.

Current virus is weak and nowhere as dangerous as Delta. There are also people in offices with flu, If you are vaccinated you should be fine even if you contract it. So stop whining and get your ass out of the house.

Shut up!!! Some of us work hard and have good numbers but don't want to deal with managerial ride alongs. And, many of us have family members that are immunocompromised or cannot be vaccinated.

I personally know people who have been hospitalized in this past week and there are also fflurona and deltacron variants out there now.

Employees are also getting COVID left and right here too.

When my manager rides with me, I take him to offices where he gets completely hammered for us being there. After we leave the office, I ask him specifically what would he do after just being slammed by the front desk in a target office. He has no answers and always says, let’s go to the next office where it happens all over again. When asked has he told our SRD what happens call after call, his response is we need to focus on being positive and meet call metrics.

The company has been great at allowing us the flexibility to manage our territories in person or virtually as we have navigated the Covid waves. With that being said, I do find it strange that there has not been any acknowledgement of the current dynamics other than switching the national meetings to virtual formats. This is the worst the Covid landscape has been so far for our customers.

Depending on where you live, this wave is supposed to peak in two to four weeks. Small timeframe for the DBLs to sacrifice in person field time. Give us the flexibility to make the best decisions for our territory and give the DBLs the flexibility to meet with us virtually in the short term as necessary.

Current virus is weak and nowhere as dangerous as Delta. There are also people in offices with flu, If you are vaccinated you should be fine even if you contract it. So stop whining and get your ass out of the house.

You are missing the point. This is more about our customers’ needs and the optics and less about “whining and getting our asses out if the house”

I will collect all the names and submit the list to HR anyone who would like to opt out of field rides for the 1st quarter of 2022. Please add your name. The list goes out at the end of day on Friday. Did miss this opportunity people. I am serious!

I will collect all the names and submit the list to HR anyone who would like to opt out of field rides for the 1st quarter of 2022. Please add your name. The list goes out at the end of day on Friday. Did miss this opportunity people. I am serious!

‘You ain’t going to submit shit to HR you fucking little pussy snowflake! Oh my goodness! I am so scared of the deadly Omicron! You fucking lazy moron! You know you don’t want your manager to see how horrible you are in detailing a doc, or how the office has no clue who you are! Get out, make calls, and do your damn job!