Been reading the boards and somewhat agree with alot of stuff written. Having said that and I honestly believe this if you can only complain and not provide any meaningful contribution to solving issues within the parameters then LEAVE no one is tying you down do the honorable thing don't wait until you have another job before you do you're doing more damage. Is this place perfect? Far very far from it, is it the right mgmt team? We all have our opinions and we're probably all right to a point. Will it be taken over maybe who knows whatever happens we cannot control it. As for me being corporate forget it been in the business before some were even born and never never kissed up. Is it a perfect job far from it if you don't want to take the challenges LEAVE. Stop bitching about SC,HH,MT,MH DB or any other 2 letters of the alphabet. Is it frustrating? Damn right!! actually got me to write something. We are all in some way contractual we get paid to do a job end of story, that's the contract we have with the company. As the adage says if you are not part of the solution then you're part of the problem so do everyone a favor either help find a way or go on your way there are plenty of people waiting for the opportunity to try.