
I have never in my long career have had to work with so many female and male snakes like I have had with the AD team since starting here. Unbelievable level of kissing up to Managers on up. These employees will back stab anyone, throw anyone under the bus to gain favor or get ahead, and disingenuously compliment to the point it is vomit-worthy. Getting on conference calls is now excruciating as the same diva idiots always need to hear themselves talk, which generally is rubbish. You know who you are!!!! Disgusting. The job is terrible because it is never fun to work with snakes you can't trust. Only thing that I have learned from Biogen is to TRUST NO ONE HERE. It seems like Biogen loves this activity and breeds it. It is very rare to meet any humble and sincere employee here.


I have never in my long career have had to work with so many female and male snakes like I have had with the AD team since starting here. Unbelievable level of kissing up to Managers on up. These employees will back stab anyone, throw anyone under the bus to gain favor or get ahead, and disingenuously compliment to the point it is vomit-worthy. Getting on conference calls is now excruciating as the same diva idiots always need to hear themselves talk, which generally is rubbish. You know who you are!!!! Disgusting. The job is terrible because it is never fun to work with snakes you can't trust. Only thing that I have learned from Biogen is to TRUST NO ONE HERE. It seems like Biogen loves this activity and breeds it. It is very rare to meet any humble and sincere employee here.

Preach! I have been disenchanted myself by many of the people I now work with. I have to work with a "Karen" that is such a witch and always has to be in the limelight. She has thrown me under the bus to make herself look better. Very sad to work in such a cutthroat environment. I would not call working at Biogen a safe environment. Why leadership can't see through this is anyone's guess.

Definitely correct. I came from the MS side and it is 10x worse on the AD side. Where do they get these vultures? This is a culture we want to grow? My experience now working with coworkers is terrible. My new manager loves it. Loves when employees kiss their ass.

Preach! I have been disenchanted myself by many of the people I now work with. I have to work with a "Karen" that is such a witch and always has to be in the limelight. She has thrown me under the bus to make herself look better. Very sad to work in such a cutthroat environment. I would not call working at Biogen a safe environment. Why leadership can't see through this is anyone's guess.

Oh you have one too? We have a real Karen. We call her Slimy Showboat

I have never in my long career have had to work with so many female and male snakes like I have had with the AD team since starting here. Unbelievable level of kissing up to Managers on up. These employees will back stab anyone, throw anyone under the bus to gain favor or get ahead, and disingenuously compliment to the point it is vomit-worthy. Getting on conference calls is now excruciating as the same diva idiots always need to hear themselves talk, which generally is rubbish. You know who you are!!!! Disgusting. The job is terrible because it is never fun to work with snakes you can't trust. Only thing that I have learned from Biogen is to TRUST NO ONE HERE. It seems like Biogen loves this activity and breeds it. It is very rare to meet any humble and sincere employee here.

Hey Apple Polish person. You worked at Sage too! Omg no wonder it is such a CF.

I have never in my long career have had to work with so many female and male snakes like I have had with the AD team since starting here. Unbelievable level of kissing up to Managers on up. These employees will back stab anyone, throw anyone under the bus to gain favor or get ahead, and disingenuously compliment to the point it is vomit-worthy. Getting on conference calls is now excruciating as the same diva idiots always need to hear themselves talk, which generally is rubbish. You know who you are!!!! Disgusting. The job is terrible because it is never fun to work with snakes you can't trust. Only thing that I have learned from Biogen is to TRUST NO ONE HERE. It seems like Biogen loves this activity and breeds it. It is very rare to meet any humble and sincere employee here.

Welcome to big pharma. Did you not think Biogen was not big pharma now? A large part of it is hiring unqualified low skilled entitled reps to deliver metrics.

This problem will take care of its self. Adu has zero chance of approval with current data, so the whole division will be liquidated by spring. A repeat phase 3 study will take years to recruit and read out. Even then, the chances the drug actually works is marginal. All prior abeta antibody trials have failed.

This problem will take care of its self. Adu has zero chance of approval with current data, so the whole division will be liquidated by spring. A repeat phase 3 study will take years to recruit and read out. Even then, the chances the drug actually works is marginal. All prior abeta antibody trials have failed.

Agreed. Latest articles put chances of approval less than 30%

I have never in my long career have had to work with so many female and male snakes like I have had with the AD team since starting here. Unbelievable level of kissing up to Managers on up. These employees will back stab anyone, throw anyone under the bus to gain favor or get ahead, and disingenuously compliment to the point it is vomit-worthy. Getting on conference calls is now excruciating as the same diva idiots always need to hear themselves talk, which generally is rubbish. You know who you are!!!! Disgusting. The job is terrible because it is never fun to work with snakes you can't trust. Only thing that I have learned from Biogen is to TRUST NO ONE HERE. It seems like Biogen loves this activity and breeds it. It is very rare to meet any humble and sincere employee here.
Welcome to the Biogen Board Mr/Mrs. Apple Polisher Person! I know you had a blast on the Sage Boards discussing Apple polisher tactics, I’m just glad to see you brought your attitude over to Biogen so you can continue to get mileage out of such an odd, retro insult. I feel like your statement is pretty verbatim as what you said about your teammates at Sage. I, dying to know who you are for sure, and have a pretty good idea anyway. My takeaway is you are the actual issue on a team. Keep your chin up.

Welcome to the Biogen Board Mr/Mrs. Apple Polisher Person! I know you had a blast on the Sage Boards discussing Apple polisher tactics, I’m just glad to see you brought your attitude over to Biogen so you can continue to get mileage out of such an odd, retro insult. I feel like your statement is pretty verbatim as what you said about your teammates at Sage. I, dying to know who you are for sure, and have a pretty good idea anyway. My takeaway is you are the actual issue on a team. Keep your chin up.

Hahaha Thanks for calling yourself out idiot. Now people definitely know who YOU ARE! You were always such a kiss-ass. Dare I put your initials down. We know who you are.

Apple Polishers, Kiss ups, Boot Lickers, Brown Nosers. Call it what you want. Everyone uses these words and you could certainly find them on every single company thread on here. It is a sad state of affairs but what the entire industry has succumbed too. There are a lot of male weasels and female bitches out there trying to get ahead. Biogen certainly has a lion's share of them. I agree with the above posts. I've been at Biogen for over 5 years now and you learn to keep your distance from all these types as they will consume you.